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by rurban (Scribe)
on Jun 09, 2008 at 21:40 UTC ( [id://691105]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm an architect and LISP programmer, and started with Perl as second language to deal with my lisp build system, documentation and localization issues. perl4 then. I dropped C and switched to Perl for low-level stuff, and kept LISP for the hard problems.

Now that I do not do tricky and hard problems anymore and I used C, VB, PHP, Python and assembler extensively and commercially, I switched to Perl as my first language, and I also maintain parrot a bit and some hundreds of cygwin packages.

I'm maintaining the perl compiler and optimizer modules, created p2, and do not do any GUI or hard problems anymore, only the clisp-gdi module.

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