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Re^5: Server-side processing?

by marto (Cardinal)
on Feb 14, 2024 at 13:09 UTC ( [id://11157693]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Server-side processing?
in thread Server-side processing?

In the page you've shown, the JavaScript DataTable calls a perl script, that needs to return a JSON object rather than HTML. On success DataTables will render a grid populated with the results. For my use case (Mojolicious::Lite) this is as simple as the route returning the results via something like this:

$c->render( json => $griddata );

For your example you don't show a SSCCE, so unless you're using some framework you'll need to use a JSON module and return the results appropriately. DataTables perl modules I haven't used DataTables, Mojolicious::Plugin::DataTables. Looking at multiple previous threads, I think you'd get more benefit from taking the time to make sure your questions are more easily understood to avoid repetition. How do I post a question effectively?.

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