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Re^8: Server-side processing?

by hippo (Bishop)
on Feb 15, 2024 at 11:59 UTC ( [id://11157710]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^7: Server-side processing?
in thread Server-side processing?

why are you manually printing headers when you're using CGI which has a method for that?

Good question. ISTM that the code provided by frank1 isn't actually using at all for anything. So I would suggest just keeping the explicitly printed header and ditch the loading of instead. A single header is as easy to print by hand as it is using the CGI header method.


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Re^9: Server-side processing?
by marto (Cardinal) on Feb 15, 2024 at 12:18 UTC

    Based on how the previous threads have gone, I suspect what's being posted isn't necessarily representative of what's going on, in so far as the first post mentions 300K records I'd suspected that there could be the intention of some search criteria, so people could filter and/or DataTables paging would be intended for use since rendering that amount of data in one wouldn't be a great end user experience.

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