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Re^2: Elvis lives

by marto (Cardinal)
on Feb 24, 2024 at 13:14 UTC ( [id://11157878]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Elvis lives
in thread Elvis lives

  • Bubba_Ho-Tep: "An elderly man at The Shady Rest Retirement Home in East Texas is known to the staff as Sebastian Haff, but claims to be the real Elvis Presley. He explains that during the 1970s, he grew tired of the demands of his fame and switched places with an Elvis impersonator named Sebastian Haff; he claims it was Haff who died in 1977, while he lived in quiet, happy anonymity and made a living pretending to be himself. After a propane explosion destroyed documentation which was the only proof that he was actually Elvis, he was unable to return to his old life. He also falls into a coma after injuring himself during a performance.".
  • Orion: "James Hodges Ellis (born James Hughes Bell, February 26, 1945 – December 12, 1998), who used the stage name Orion at times in his career, was an American singer. His voice was similar to Elvis Presley's, a fact which he and his record company played upon, making some believe that some of his recordings were by Presley, or even that Presley had not died in 1977" Orion: The Man Who Would Be King.

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