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Think about Loose Coupling


by harangzsolt33 (Chaplain)
on Jun 25, 2016 at 18:17 UTC ( [id://1166559]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I started to learn Perl in May of 2016. I used TinyPerl 5.8 under Windows for 8 years.

When I was about 12 years old, my parents bought me my first computer. It was a 40MHz 386DX with 4MB RAM and 128MB HDD running MS-DOS 5.00. I wrote small QBASIC programs for fun. A programmer friend named, Simon Istvan, gave me lessons every week. He taught me C/C++, x86 assembly, HTML, and he also tried to introduce me to Linux and Perl, but at that time I did not have any interest in Perl. I have been a DOS/Windows user most of my life. In 2024, however, I've switched to Sparky Linux. It's simple, fast, secure, stable, and more versatile than Windows could ever be.

When I was 17 years old, I began building computers and troubleshooting Windows problems, and people would call me almost every week to get their computer issues solved. When I was 19, I learned JavaS‎crip‎t by myself at home, and I love JavaS‎crip‎t. Two of my favorite languages are Perl and JavaS‎crip‎t. When I was 29, I started a computer business. I do data recovery, virus removal, Windows/Linux installation, website maintenance, and I refurbish old computers. The income is not much, so I mostly do other things such as construction... I do carpentry, framing, roofing, flooring, wiring, plumbing, etc...

My hobbies are horticulture, backyard chickens, photography, and good coffee! I also find computer programming to be relaxing. It's like a virtual world where anything is possible. You decide what's possible!

Here is my perl page:

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