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Last update time on Newest Nodes

by nuance (Hermit)
on May 23, 2000 at 21:18 UTC ( [id://14407]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Firstly I want to say that I think the new "mark these as seen" feature on Newest Nodes is really good.

The problem I have is that I frequently don't have time to read the whole thing while I'm in work. This means that I have to leave all items on the page and try to remember exactly what I've seen and what I haven't. A lot of the nodes have very similar names and trying to remember if you've seen a particular node is quite hard.

I use at least two different browsers (Actually I regularly use three :-(), so I don't have the the browser history colouring links to make visited nodes obvious. What I really want it to do is let me have different times for each section. This would mean that I could read all additions to a particular section, and then just clear it, but leave all the other sections that I have not read intact.

A button on each section, and a master button that would update all sections to the current time is what I would really like.


Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing "Subtle plans are here again!"

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RE: Last update time on Newest Nodes
by misty (Hermit) on May 26, 2000 at 19:50 UTC
    As every day there are more and more questions/notes/replies, I found myself desperately wanting the same Nuance's suggested feature, too.
(zdog) RE: Last update time on Newest Nodes
by zdog (Priest) on Jun 09, 2000 at 22:16 UTC
    I really like the idea, thanx for pointing it out to me. It would take up a little bit more memory than currently, but not too big of an amount and I personally think it would be worth it. Now, what are the chances of this being implemented?

    -- zdog (Zenon Zabinski)
       Go Bells!! '¿'

    P.S. Expect to get a vote++ on this sometime soon.

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