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Perl Projects

by muppetBoy (Pilgrim)
on May 31, 2000 at 16:32 UTC ( [id://15605]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

After reading Perl, MUA project it occured to me that it would probably be a good idea to have some sort of forum where like-minded monks could get together to collaborate on projects like it.
If we could get more of that sort of co-operation going it would allow monks with a range of abilities and specialities to learn from each other and benefit from the experience. Even monks not actively participating could learn by following the development process (depending on the scale of the project). As an incentive (if one were needed) for active participation perhaps XPs could be awarded.
Perhaps we will soon start seeing modules/code with the credit 'Developed by the Perl Monks'.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Perl Projects
by Corion (Patriarch) on May 31, 2000 at 18:21 UTC

    A Perl Projects section would be interesting, but I don't think that it would be a great success, as I don't see where it would differ from Freshmeat except that it is for Perl only. Coordination and releases have to be done on a website and via a mailing list anyway (at least I think that this is more efficient than this forum)...

    Releases of the code could be posted either as links or complete with the code under Code or something like that, mostly copying Freshmeat but maybe losing the platform focus and having a language focus instead.

    Despite these negative comments, I'd appreciate it to be wrong in this case and have a flourishing community of people that release many useful programs as monks :).

RE: Perl Projects
by jjhorner (Hermit) on May 31, 2000 at 18:14 UTC

    This is a very good idea! I may be able to do what I need to do in Perl as a sys admin, but I am very, very, extremely new when it comes to real software development procedures.

    Since there is more to programming than typing code, we could have a realistic programmers section, with issues that must be faced in the real world. These issues would include time table assessment, packaging, and other issues that are part of a development process, each with a perl view.

    Anyone have any views?

    J. J. Horner
    Linux, Perl, Apache, Stronghold, Unix
      Hear hear! I'd love to see the kind of stuff you mention re: a realistic programmers section, especially on the topic of time table best rule of thumb for timetable calculation is "multiply the first estimate by something between 1.5 and 2" ;^)

        I am looking for a projects area of PerlMonks. So far, this discussion is the existent of what I've found on the subject.

        I am fascinated by, and very enthusiastic about, a peer to peer search engine I came across (YaCy). But I don't know Java.

        I love Perl, of course.

        I just came home from the Harvard coop book store with several heavy books on Java, but what I feel inclined to do is to create a Perl version of YaCy.

        It will be a rather huge undertaking, that could take years. First of all, I have to learn Java, which I've never had much interest in before. I'm only learning it to figure out how YaCy works, and decide if the project is actually feasible.

        I thought posting about the project, and giving occasional progress reports here might be worthwhile and interesting. I'm just wondering if there might not be a special area of PerMonks for that sort of thing. It isn't necessarily a collaborative project, but I suppose it could be, if anyone else was interested.

        I'll keep looking, but, finding no indicator of the existence of such an area, on this rather old thread suggests the search may be futile.

        Should I just start a new thread, or is PerlMonks an appropriate place for such a thing?

RE: Perl Projects
by KM (Priest) on May 31, 2000 at 18:26 UTC
    Have you seen Source Forge? Would be somewhat easy to get projects added in there for people to work on collaboratively. But I do think it would be a decent idea to have a 'Projects' type of section linking to Source Forge projects (or elsewhere) and people asking for others help. I know when I see cool projects when I have some tuits I like to help. I don't think linking anything to XP's is a good idea. The incentive should be helping and learning, not arbitrary digits only 'useful' on a web site.


      I quite agree that the purpose is to learn and help other people to learn.
      The only reason I mentioned XP was to fit with the rest of the site - after all contributing your knowledge to a project is just as valid as answering a question, certainly more valid than these discussion posts :-)

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