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Edit original article

by princepawn (Parson)
on Jun 04, 2000 at 17:30 UTC ( [id://16286]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I posted something but wanted to edit part of the original post but I cant do that... this can be useful.

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RE: Edit original article
by muppetBoy (Pilgrim) on Jun 04, 2000 at 20:12 UTC
    I think its set up that way so that if something you post gets on the frontpage you can't then alter it to be anything you want.
      Indeed, that could be bad. Even articles not on the main page should be static, IMHO; that way it takes at least two clicks (which usually indicates a determined user) to get to possibly mis-rated material. If you have something more to say than the original post, an addendum in a reply will usually suffice. As for making mistakes in articles, always be sure to use the Preview button before submitting.
        I don't agree, I want all nodes I've written to be editable by me. Most nodes are editible now and I don't see any major abuses. What I usually see is this, when someone edits one of their nodes and doing that makes a following node meaningless, then the person who editied their node adds a note to that effect.

        I don't see why the articles on the main page aren't editible, it seems to me that it wouldn't be abused any more than the current editing feature is.

        Adding further addenda (addendums ?) just adds clutter where editing the original would have sufficed. IMO.

        As for using the preview, well this node doesn't seem to have one.


        Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing "Subtle plans are here again!"

RE: Edit original article
by mt2k (Hermit) on Jul 04, 2000 at 21:08 UTC
    Good thing I searched for edit first before attempting to post the same thing.
    I find it quite annoying myself that it is impossible to edit the original post.
    If you're going to allow editting of replies, why not the post itself?
    For me, I know this is pathetic, but when I'm on Lynx, I only have 10 lines or so to type a post, therefor using <code> and <pre> tags become impossible to use.

    What I like to do when I think of something to ask that requires me to add code, I'll post it with Lynx as "I'll add the code later".
    Now if I could edit the original post, adding a reply to my own post would be unneccesary and save "Valuable Resources", as I've heard said before would not be wasted.

    As for the preview button... If you've noticed, there is a little problem with the preview button.
    If you include any special characters, such as &lt; and &gt;, hitting preview does this:
    It goes to the preview page sure, but now look at the textarea: the special characters disappear and are replaced with that character it represents!

    This is VERY bothersome, as you can imagine!

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