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Including number of replies in Newest Nodes

by athomason (Curate)
on Jun 09, 2000 at 02:24 UTC ( [id://17230]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

When I've got a spare minute to surf on over to the Monestary I usually first come into the Newest Nodes page to see who I might be able to help out. However, a lot of times there are five or more new questions, and I just don't have time to look at all of them. So I usually just look at the ones with interesting titles (that's another reason to pick good titles!). I don't think this is the most efficient system, though. It would be nice to see how many existing replies there were to new nodes so that such droppers-in could see where to best direct their experience and advice. Nodes that have no replies at all would thus receive the most immediate attention, while questions which already had at least some answers would receive more careful examination later. Besides, I think it would be a pretty simple addition ;-).
  • Comment on Including number of replies in Newest Nodes

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RE: Including number of replies in Newest Nodes
by dempa (Friar) on Jun 09, 2000 at 02:38 UTC
RE: Including number of replies in Newest Nodes
by mdillon (Priest) on Jun 09, 2000 at 06:05 UTC
    i'm not sure how the database for Perl Monks is set up, but i suspect that this is not a simple addition. unless every node stores the id of its top-level parent node (in addition to the id of its immediate parent), then multiple SQL queries would need to be made to traverse the tree of children and get a reply count.

    this could be entirely incorrect, but i suspect vroom would have added this feature if it weren't near impossible to do easily in SQL.

      On the contrary, it's already been done everywhere else on the site. The Monastery Gates shows the number of replies along with each message, as does each individual section. Recursive replies wouldn't need to be counted, only top level. I only suggest adding that functionality to the Newest Nodes page.
        OK. i think it's basically useless to only count top-level replies, since the purpose of showing the count is presumably to be able to compare it with an earlier value and thus notice additions to a thread easier without having to correlate and count the appropriate comments in the Notes/Replies.

        p.s. i need more -- votes on stupid drivel like this.

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