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ActiveState Active Awards

by rob_au (Abbot)
on Jun 11, 2002 at 07:19 UTC ( [id://173403]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

In my daily wanderings of the web, I came across the reporting of the ActiveState second annual Programmers' Choice and Activators' Choice Awards on For those who are unaware, these awards are designed to honour those contributors to open languages whose recognition is oft overlooked by the community as a whole. And as highlighted out in the discussion on, these awards are geared towards recognising those efforts of contributors who are not receiving the kudos which they rightly deserve in the community as a whole - To my mind, many members of our own community here on PerlMonks, fit into this category, including, Ovid, jcwren, jeffa, Zaxo, crazyinsomniac, Matts, IlyaM and of course, our departed tilly.

The categories this year include Perl, PHP, Python, TCL and XSLT. The winners of the Perl, PHP, Python and XSLT categories will be announced at OSCON 23rd July 2002, while the winner of the TCL category will be announced at the TCL conference later this year.

So consider who in the Perl community has motivated or helped you on your path to enlightenment, has helped you solve that problem when you were about to pull your hair out and go nominate them at the ActiveState Active Awards page here ... Or maybe just drop them an email of thanks for their help in the past and look at sharing your new knowledge with others to further the community as a whole. Perhaps next year, it is you who is nominated ...


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