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Further Chatterbox improvements

by swiftone (Curate)
on Jun 15, 2000 at 21:23 UTC ( [id://18329]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is not an attack, as vroom has done quite a bit to make our Chatterbox experience better and better, but rather a list of ideas of what future improvements could be added.

One particular one I thought of would be to intercept any inputs beginning with /foo when foo is not understood. Thus /msg and /ignore would work, but /msh would come back to the input line along with a msg from root "/msh not understood".

This was inpired after seeing a serious of such typos...some intential, some not. (Those trying for the funny "typos" could still figure a way around it. \msg or .msg or whatever, the idea is to prevent mistakes that could prove highly embarassing.)

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RE: Further Chatterbox improvements
by muppetBoy (Pilgrim) on Jun 16, 2000 at 12:23 UTC
    I wouldn't have thought that this would really be necessary. IMHO the chatterbox is just a quick way of getting some realtime(ish) communtication with other monks.
    A different channel of communication (email/ICQ etc) would probably be a better medium to communicate embarassing/confidential information on.
    I think it would be great to see different chatrooms/threaded conversations etc. but its probably beyond the remit of this site. A perl related IRC would be a better bet.
      Funny you should mention that...

      I registered a #PerlMonks channel on SlashNET a few days ago. It's generally only available when I'm logged in (and I haven't set up a bot to keep it running), but it's available.

      Does that suit you?

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