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Search Options

by athomason (Curate)
on Jun 29, 2000 at 06:01 UTC ( [id://20313]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

To me, searching is still one of the most frustrating things about the Monastery. While unbeatably simple, the available methods are woefully underpowered. There are two ways to search: by title (Search box) or full-text (Super Search). A month ago this was passable as there wasn't nearly as much content, but as the site grows, searches that aren't extremely specific are virtually useless. A remedy I propose is the addition of some search options to Super Search. A few suggestions for options:
  • Ordering of results by specific field, e.g. date, node reputation, search hits per page, poster experience
  • Areas of the site to search
  • Whether to search replies
  • Search type, e.g. exact phrase, all words, any words

I haven't gone through the Everything code but from an SQL standpoint I don't think the first three would be all that hard to implement. This would greatly help Monks with longer memories who would like to include a link to a previous discussion when answering a duplicated question.

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