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prevent votes on anonymous posts

by ybiC (Prior)
on Jul 17, 2000 at 05:31 UTC ( [id://22806]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Once in a while I'll like a post and vote ++ before noticing it was posted anonymously. Anonymous monk's current XP of -85 shows I'm not the only person voting for/against AM.

I'd like it to be impossible to vote on anonymous posts. Aside from burning vroom's valuable time to implement, what pros and cons do fellow Monks see?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts (Ozymandias: Merits of Voting AM Posts)
by Ozymandias (Hermit) on Jul 17, 2000 at 05:46 UTC
    It depends on what you view as the point of voting. If you're viewing voting purely as a means of registering approval of the person posting the node, then yes, voting for Anonymous Monk posts is pointless. And there's no doubt that there is some element of that in voting for posts.

    But there's another purpose, as well. Voting for a node indicates, or should indicate, your approval of the node itself, and the items and ideas contained inside. The purpose here is to indicate that you approve of the node; if it has a high positive value, it appears on the Best Nodes list, where others can see it, and more will take notice of it. The same goes in the opposite direction, with nodes in the Worst Nodes list.

    If we ask vroom to make changes to the Anonymous Monk system, I'd prefer he simply remove it, and no longer allow anonymous posting. Voting should be anonymous. There's no need for posting to be, except perhaps in the Seekers of Perl Wisdom section. But that's already been argued.

    - email Ozymandias
      Hmmm... many well-stated and thought-out responses. Some of these lead me to clarify a bit:

      I don't vote to show appoval of Monks, but to reinforce behavior of Monks, as demonstrated by their posts. Since anonymous monk doesn't care about XP or reputation, my voting an AM post up or down has little direct impact on future behavior of AM's. Indirect impact was given by at least a couple o' fine Monks.

      I agree with the principle of voting the node regardless of posting Monk. But I also temper that with a bit of grace toward new Monks, to help foster the open environment we all enjoy here at the Monastery.

      Several wise Monks told why they do vote on AM posts, and I respect their thinking. I don't have to agree   8^)   but I wouldn't force my approach on anyone who sees differently than I do. So... I retract my suggestion to disable voting on AM posts. In the future, I'll watch more closely for AM posts before voting. Thanks to all Monks who offered their insights.

        Yes That seems to be really effective and realistic..Infact voting also shows to the monk himself that his question was appreciated or not..Also I myself got some -25 votes on single nodes but yes as I was new and didnot knew how to post without this voting how would I have improved? (this was when I was anonymus monk itself) Thanks ybic for taking it sportingly... --vnpandey
        Yes That seems to be really effective and realistic..Infact voting also shows to the monk himself that his question was appreciated or not..Also I myself got some -25 votes on single nodes but yes as I was new and didnot knew how to post without this voting how would I have improved? (this was when I was anonymus monk itself) Thanks ybic for raising a very impt question. --vnpandey
      Hard to say on this one...Voting on an Anonymous Monk seems wasteful, but as pointed out above it does rate the level of the post. Thus, it should stay in, but perhaps modified. Vote on the post, but it shouldn't reflect on the AM. The beatings will continue until morale raises.
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by ZZamboni (Curate) on Jul 17, 2000 at 08:42 UTC
    In the old days, you could not vote for AM posts. But it happens that there are some very good AM posts out there, and because you could not vote for them, they would never make it into the Best nodes list, for example. So it was brought up to discussion and vroom decided to make it possible to vote for AM posts.


RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by turnstep (Parson) on Jul 17, 2000 at 05:57 UTC
    For the record, it used to be that voting for the posts of the ubiquitous AM was impossible, but now it is possible. So you would be arguing for a change back to the old way. The main reason it was changed was to affect the quality of the nodes - it was very frustrating before then, when there was no way to indicate the quality of an AM post.
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by buzzcutbuddha (Chaplain) on Jul 17, 2000 at 16:35 UTC
    I know that we could not encourage everyone else to do this, but my policy is that I do not vote AM posts down, usually because that has no effect at all. I typically ignore it.

    But if the AM post is really good, I will vote it up. That way I know that it has a chance it will show on the Best Nodes list.


      I base my decision solely on the quality of the node, not who wrote it. It does not matter to me if it was written by AM, a registered user, or created by a power surge through the server. :) Except vroom of course - one should never vote his down. Who knows what will happen when his script kicks in:

      if ($vote=-1 and $node->{owner} eq "vroom") { &SendToUser($Locusts && $Plagues && $Telemarketers); $Users->{XP} -= (rand 50) +50; }

      Won't voting it down increase the chance of the node having a fatal accident?

      But I, too, am less likely to vote on an anon monk post. It has to be really good or bad for me to bother.

        To be honest, I don't think any node has ever suffered a fatal accident. A few have quietly passed away under the protection of a DNR signed by the author, but none (that I know of) have been voted into extinction. Which is amazing considering the incredably low reputation of some posts. Of course, the best person to ask would be the regulator himself.
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by awwaiid (Friar) on Jul 17, 2000 at 21:09 UTC

    On the other hand, you could look at it from a different perspective.

    Think of it this way. The Anonymous Monk is sort of an average of the people who are not involved in the perl community enough to bother getting an account. Perhaps they just have a quick question... maybe just a quick answer. What most Anonymous Monk's don't realize, but it is true, is that they represent a population of people wrather than any individual.

    I pray for the day in which Anonymous Monk becomes a Saint.

RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by spectre (Scribe) on Jul 18, 2000 at 01:46 UTC
    If I see a post I like or dislike, I vote on it. I dont see voting as a popularity contest, nor do I see it as a means to show my disapproval of a user. I see it as a means to show the value of the node in question, wheather it be anonymous or from a user.
    I dont see why, since voting is intended to show our general feelings on a node, not a user, an AM post should be treated any differently than a vroom post.
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by PipTigger (Hermit) on Jul 17, 2000 at 10:49 UTC
    It seems best (if vroom's time permits) to make it optional in the user settings. Just like I sometimes change my mind about a vote and need the +=0 option, others might not want it. I want to be able to vote on AM's posts for the above-mentioned reasons but if another Monk does not want that option, it should be toggleable (not really a werd is it?). What do you think? TTFN.


    p.s. Root who?
RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by Apterigo (Scribe) on Jul 18, 2000 at 00:45 UTC
    I don't like wasting my votes on anonymous posts, as well. I definetly agree that it shouldn't be possible to vote on anonymous posts. Along with that, I think that Anonymous Monk's XP should be reset to 0.

RE: prevent votes on anonymous posts
by vnpandey (Scribe) on Jul 18, 2000 at 17:06 UTC
    I actually do not agree with this view bcos most of the times it is new people who do participate as Annonymus monks, and so to have a XP of -85 is not very surprising..Infact this does also shows that people(monks) really read the posts and then vote... Thanks--vnpandey

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