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edit top level nodes?

by merlyn (Sage)
on Sep 14, 2000 at 04:24 UTC ( [id://32405]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

The understanding I have about why we can't edit top-level nodes is to keep J. Random Luser from editing a top-level node after it gets approved.

Well, if I have the power to approve a node myself, what gain do I have to do that?

Can moderators get the power to edit their own thread roots?

-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker

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(jcwren) RE: edit top level nodes?
by jcwren (Prior) on Sep 14, 2000 at 04:31 UTC
    Approving a node just means that it will show up in a section. A minor sanity check by users that are (supposedly) experienced enough to know better than letting a post saying 'Some dude wanted my script, so I ****** it and gave it to him' (You may remember seeing this in newest nodes for a while, but it never made a section).

    And, you'd have to promise not to edit comments if someone started hammering on them (I'm not starting anything here, but any recollections of that happening in the last few weeks?)

    Admittedly, I can't see a major difference between editing a top level node and a reply node. One difference may be that top level nodes show up on the respective pages, and are more "visible" than other nodes, so it prevents someone posting something innocuous, then changing it to a nasty-gram. Just a theory, tho.

    Personally, I'm of the opinion that once you've been around a certain time, AND made a certain number of posts, AND have a certain level of XP, you should be able to edit your top level nodes... Kind of a 'with rank cometh priviledge' kinda thing.


    e-mail jcwren
RE: edit top level nodes?
by Adam (Vicar) on Sep 14, 2000 at 04:31 UTC
    Better yet... why not allow people to edit root nodes up till the point that they get approved? ( a small amount of work would be involved to make sure the version being aproved is the same as the current version. )

    Also, you can edit some root nodes... obfuscated posts for example.

RE: edit top level nodes?
by swiftone (Curate) on Sep 14, 2000 at 19:34 UTC
    If not edit, I like the idea of allowing people to add Update: sections to the end of the post. That way simple typos or the like can be corrected, without making many of the replies nonsense.

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