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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

"Yeah, sure, I could spend a day or two going through in great deal to learn more about the intricacies of the debian packaging system and how it all works, but right now I'm trying to focus on more immediate concerns and learn another technology I'm trying to learn"

A web search for 'osnamehere install mysql headers' finds exactly what you need to type in seconds. These aren't edge cases. Similarly you can find out how to use your chosen package management tool, claiming you'd need to invest a day or two is seems like an unreasonable conclusion tp jump to. If you don't care to know how these things work or what they even are, simply following the instructions and googling how to implement them on your system could just simply be achieved by searching for the answer.

In reply to Re^4: Using Perlbrew with debian Perl packages like libdbd-mysql by marto
in thread [SOLVED] Using Perlbrew with debian Perl packages like libdbd-mysql by nysus

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