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Soft wrapping?

by tilly (Archbishop)
on Sep 21, 2000 at 06:30 UTC ( [id://33441]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Could you add the attribute wrap="soft" or wrap="virtual" (they are the same thing) to your textareas? That would make Netscape users much happier since it would make text wrap rather than scrolling the textbox on long lines.

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RE (tilly) 1: Soft wrapping?
by tilly (Archbishop) on Sep 21, 2000 at 14:50 UTC
    In response to a question I was asked privately, the meaning of "soft" is that the extra returns will not be sent back to the server. Only the user's visual display is affected to be what IE does by default.


      Better, yet! Can we make it a checkbox/preference? It's _so_ annoying to see my carefully crafted CRLF's turned into mush by silly ol' dev types who don't realize that formatting may be intentional. -- f --- Newbie alert! If I'm missing something, please let me know--nicely, of course.
        I am confused by your question.

        Changing the wrapping only changes the display of text. It does not change the connection between what you type and what gets sent to the server.

        I suspect that what you are complaining about is that all text is assumed to be raw HTML. Well having an option to view it as formatted text might be nice (just steal from the / code-base) but is a somewhat separate problem. (For Netscape users such an option would be useless without the wrap attribute I just mentioned. To see what I want in action go to a site like kuro5hin, get an account, and try to post in Netscape.

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