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Knowing when nodes are updated

by KM (Priest)
on Oct 26, 2000 at 18:24 UTC ( [id://38611]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

You see MANY times that people update their nodes with useful info, or change wrong info into correct info, etc...

But, you really don't know when this happens, which is a shame. I think it would be a nice feature to add a "Significant Update" checkbox to the edit page, much like when we update our home nodes. This way, if someone adds a good amount of info to a node, they can click that, but if they simply change some typos or add something that isn't too major, they don't check it. Then, the node can reappear on the Newest Nodes page, but with some way to know it is an update... or even a new section called "Updated Nodes".


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RE: Knowing when nodes are updated
by Fastolfe (Vicar) on Oct 26, 2000 at 18:30 UTC
    I'm guilty of doing stuff like this.. When I write a node, even though I may preview it and it may look fine, I always go back and re-read through some of my posts (esp. if they're garnering lots of rep), and frequently change some wording slightly, clean up code occasionally, and sometimes add to it.

    Though when I am making a significant content update, I will make it obvious with an "Update:" stamp. Unless I make the update within a few seconds after I post it (which, alas, I also do frequently).

    I do try to take heed to replies, though, beforehand, so I don't change things that invalidate someone's reply and make them look stupid. That's just rude.

RE: Knowing when nodes are updated
by Fastolfe (Vicar) on Oct 26, 2000 at 18:28 UTC
    Perhaps have an option for Newest Nodes that works on "last modified time" instead of "create time". I also wouldn't mind seeing a "last updated ___" stamp in addition to a "created ___" time stamp on nodes, again, togglable.
(tye)RE: Knowing when nodes are updated
by tye (Sage) on Oct 26, 2000 at 18:30 UTC

    I'm not against such an option (it would be neat and I'd use it for minor updates that didn't just fix typos). But I'd rather have people follow-up to their own nodes rather than make a major update to an existing node. Or if the motivation behind the update was some other node, then follow-up to the motivating node and update your old node to include a link to your new node.

    One exception might be possible long-lived nodes like one holding the source code for the Tk Chatterbox client, for example.

            - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")

      Reviews would be obvious candidates for that kind of update. Mentionning that the Camel 3 is obsolete because the Camel 4 is out and describes all about Perl 6 for example should really be in the main post, not in a follow-up

      rather have people follow-up to their own nodes rather than make a major update to an existing node

      Well, a problem with that is we don't see the text of the node which is being replied to (I think I made a suggested that we see them some time back). So, as it is now, if someone makes a new node to expand upon another node, you have to click on the New Node, then click on the node it is referencing. Too many clicks simply to get context, IMO.

      hen follow-up to the motivating node and update your old node to include a link to your new node.

      Well, if I already cleared that node from my queue, I don't know it was updated, which was my original point :)


Re: Knowing when nodes are updated
by Lawliet (Curate) on Dec 04, 2008 at 22:23 UTC

    I was recently discussing this feature with myself (well, I asked if this would be plausible to implement but everyone ignored me :P). I think (without knowing much of the internals of PM) that this is a good idea.

    I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!

    chomp; # nom nom nom

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