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Be Creative

by RuffRichie (Initiate)
on Nov 05, 2000 at 08:28 UTC ( [id://40043]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I have a suggestion that users should be able to customize their theme on their own. I was thinking along the lines of the user settings in the raw Everything system. This would allow for more variation of themes and people could truly have their own theme selection. Just a thought...

-- RuffRichie

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(crazyinsomniac) RE: Be Creative
by crazyinsomniac (Prior) on Nov 05, 2000 at 14:29 UTC
    I have a better(?) idea.
    How about we make the whole site style-sheet compatible, and have an option in user settings to specify a location & name for the stylesheet, that way everyone can personalize their own theme, without too much carp being added to the server.

    update: How's this for clarification:
    In user setting, where you specify what theme you want, you have an option to choose a style-sheet version of the site, with the option of specifying a location for the stylesheet.

    "cRaZy is co01, but sometimes cRaZy is cRaZy".
                                                          - crazyinsomniac

      Stylesheets are one of the easiest ways to produce problems with different browsers. Taking a step like the one you suggest would rapidly result in a site that was only navigatible in recent versions of IE.

      That would be completely unacceptable to me since at home I use Netscape on Linux. If vroom took a step like you suggest and problems cropped up I would publically announce my reasons for leaving and if that didn't solve it I would. Certainly the stylesheets at a few home nodes has led to my avoiding certain people's home nodes. But the fact that the problem is localized has made it (almost) acceptable so far.

      So I really, really don't want vroom to allow people to use their own stylesheets everywhere.

        Stylesheets are one of the easiest ways to produce problems with different browsers. Taking a step like the one you suggest would rapidly result in a site that was only navigatible in recent versions of IE.
        I understand the proposal like this: When you _browse_ the site, it serves you a link to your style sheet.

        If you have a personal style sheet, it doesn't matter if it will break "different browsers". On person, one browser, one style sheet.


RE: Be Creative
by little (Curate) on Nov 05, 2000 at 19:42 UTC
    Browser such as Netscape and Internet-Explorer do allow the user to specify to use custom stylesheets, evn in general and not depending on what site you are looking at as it is with security settings.
    But the best always is: make the site without styles and then add some, so the CSS wount raise the conflicts

    Have a nice day
    All decision is left to your taste

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