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Two *Other* Things

by gaggio (Friar)
on Nov 12, 2000 at 19:53 UTC ( [id://41194]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Hey. I don't know why, I always come up with pairs of ideas. The current idea pair that my neurons created on this gray-weather Sunday morning is:

1. Supporting regular expression searching in the PM search textfield: at the top of the page. I know, there have been already some suggestions about improving the search, for example by date/monk, etc. but I think that supporting regular expression can be useful in case one remembers only part of the title of a post and want to find it back a couple of days later. And what the heck, it's just cool because RegExp matching/searching is definitely one of the most powerful feature of Perl!

2. Implementing the "NO-VOTE" type of post: a monk could pick the "No-Vote" attribute when posting, in case there is no "voting content" in the node. I can't count how many times I have seen nodes that are used like the chatterbox for /msging somebody, posting in fact information that is not relevant for XPs. It would also solve the problem of Monks updating their node by posting a new message in the thread instead of editing the original post. In brief, I think that this feature would basically be "I think that I deserve points for that message" or "I think that this message is not worth any point".

Well, I am of course open to comments!

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(jcwren) RE: Two *Other* Things
by jcwren (Prior) on Nov 12, 2000 at 20:24 UTC
    The first idea is excellent. And you can download the source from EDC, to fix it. You'll have that done by Tuesday, right? <G> Seriously, the current search is purely SQL based (IIRC), and also explains why you sometimes can't find nodes with multiple keywords that you know exist.

    As for the second idea, I'm a little opposed to it on the following grounds:
    1. There will be a group of people that will set this on *every* post they make. As a result, their move up the monkular ladder will be purely voting XP based. This will partly be done as a "statement" about the voting system in general, and partly to be "different" (which is also a synonym for "annoying")

      Not to pick on princepawn directly, but to use his case as an example, if you were in a similiar situation, would you not set the non-votable option on every node, just so you avoid having nearly every node you write show up on the worst nodes list?
    2. More controversial posts will be made, without fear by the poster of losing XP. I think the knowledge that you can/will lose rank for bad material imposes a mediating influence on what monks post.
    What I would like to see if a post is modified is that it shows back up in the newest nodes list, with a (e) tag near it, or something along those lines. I don't care for a previously suggested idea of a node having it's reputation reset to 0 for two reasons:
    1. Sometimes I edit a node to simple correct a spelling or badly formatted URL
    2. You now have XP gained by monks for voting on it, but no accounting on the node. Resetting the reputation causes the node/thread to lose its "flavor".

    e-mail jcwren
      Have to agree, as I tend to correct spelling in my nodes when I didn't recognize the error in the preview or when I wanted to add a link, but first I've got to find it back.
      Regarding the (e) I fully agree, but would wish that I could set it, though not all spellchecking cuases it's occurance but I have to set it and have to mark added lines with
      some text

      Have a nice day
      All decision is left to your taste
RE: Two *Other* Things
by little (Curate) on Nov 12, 2000 at 19:59 UTC
    to 1. I fully agree,
    but to the 2nd, why don't you post as Anonymous then? so all XP to that node would be wasted, so you wouldn't get any, but still you could say who you are?? :-)
    Have a nice day
    All decision is left to your taste
      Why being anonymous? OK, you said you could say who you are but it means that you need to be logged off also. Why not make it simpler and stay logged in?
      Remember that some monks waste lots of votes for the Anonymous posts which have no value whatsoever also. Having this feature would educate them about the voting value and IMHO, be less confusing.

      jcwren/little: in case of misunderstanding, I was not saying that Anonymous Monks posts usually have no value, but simply that I do not need/want to be anonymous when I post. If I have a controversial idea, either I will post it with my name, either I will keep it for myself. The only benefits of having anonymous posts is, IMHO, for Monks who want to "taste" what PM is before signing up. As for "Bad Monks", I think that there should be some kind of voting by older Monks implemented, so that Vroom could "excommunicate" them from PM.
        so we need a small radio button beside the submit one saying "mark as non votable" ? which in my opinion equals to posting as anonymous, while I think all of us should have gotten that Anonymous Monk with thousands (ups, er hundreds yet) of writeups didn't get any XP yet ? how can that be?

        Have a nice day
        All decision is left to your taste

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