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Perl Kata

by mothra (Hermit)
on Dec 07, 2000 at 19:24 UTC ( [id://45513]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Random thought but...

Wouldn't it be interesting/fun if Perl Monks introduced "challenges" to reach higher levels of enlightenment?

We're all coders here but realistically one doesn't necessarily have to write even one line of code to become a scribe (coincidentally, I haven't written a line of code on Perl Monks, and I am a scribe =])

I think this should change. Perhaps after one becomes an acolyte, there should be progressively more difficult challenges introduced to be able to reach the next level of enlightenment. Perhaps a would-be scribe could be given 3-4 exercises from which to choose one, and submit their code to higher level monks in charge of "evaluating" whether or not the monk should reach a new level of enlightenment.

At the next level, perhaps there would be 5 exercises, and you would have to solve 3 of them, etc, etc.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl Kata
by Blue (Hermit) on Dec 07, 2000 at 20:26 UTC
    Warning: Humor ahead.

    Monk Test: (Do 5 of 7)
    1. Use 'map' to implement an encryption scheme.
    2. Figure out what module(s) the most recent homework assignment node should actually use. Extra credit for links to CPAN.
    3. Define a Schwartzian transform and benchmark it's speed and memory usage vs. any other method.
    4. Use strict, -w, and -T. Explain why.
    5. Compare Perl favorably to Java. Give concrete examples.
    6. Catch any PM saint in a Perl error.
    7. Get published by O'Reilly. (May be dropped, doesn't seem challenging enough around here. {grin})

    In all seriousness though, the levels are here for recognition. If you are active in PM, you will get a feel for which Monks give advice that fits the problems and your own stylistic needs. Once you're there, levels mean even less.

    Enjoy the XP, enjoy the levels, but don't get hung up on them. The fact that you have the XP shows that you are an assest to the PM community.

    Have fun.

    =Blue might be eaten by a grue...

Re: Perl Kata
by ybiC (Prior) on Dec 07, 2000 at 21:17 UTC
    A while back, a similar idea was bandied about, good monk mothra.   I thought it was a good idea at the time, but loose structure and difficulties in judging seem to keep it from being practicable.
        striving for Perl Adept
        (it's pronounced "why-bick")

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