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Newest Notes by Old Thread vs. New Thread

by tye (Sage)
on Dec 19, 2000 at 01:53 UTC ( [id://47272]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'd like Newest Nodes to show "New Notes" to "old" threads in a separate section just before "New Notes" to "new" threads.

I've avoided making suggestions regarding Newest Nodes because I hadn't tried the Tk Newest Nodes Client. Well, I finally found some time to try it and failed to get it to work (some web requests come back blank which causes it to die trying to open a file named "\r\n"). I'll still avoid making "big" requests because I think the "right" answer for such things is an external viewer.

However, I just can't read every node like I did just a few weeks ago. I think this is a small change that would make a huge difference in how easily I can feel like I'm "keeping up".

For "New Notes to New Threads", I usually click on the root node and read the whole thread so I don't care to click on a particular reply. If I didn't click on the root node, then I'm unlikely to be interested in a particular reply. For "New Notes to Old Threads", I usually want to click on these.

When there are several dozen new root nodes (which has become pretty common for me), it takes a lot of time for me to run through the hundreds of "New Notes" trying to match subjects against my buggy hash of the subject from further up in that page.

The next step is threaded Newest Nodes, but I think that is best kept to the Tk Newest Nodes Client and I encourage monks to try it out and help in developing it (as I will be doing in my usual slow manner). See Shendal's and ZZamboni's home nodes for more information and to see who to thank.

        - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")
  • Comment on Newest Notes by Old Thread vs. New Thread

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Re: Newest Notes by Old Thread vs. New Thread
by ZZamboni (Curate) on Dec 19, 2000 at 20:11 UTC
    I would be very interested in getting more details about the problem you are having with the Newest Nodes client, so that I (or Shendal, but most likely the problem is in my end) can fix it. I have tried to make the module resistent against some of the server "misbehaviors" that I have encountered, but I'm sure I haven't encountered all of them.

    Once you get the Newest Nodes client working, it should serve your original purpose, because it marks read nodes in a different color. And the latest version even keeps persistent state, so you can exit the client, come back later and still know which nodes you have read.


      The error is:

      Could not find in at PerlMonks/ line 202
      (someone mentioned in chatter getting this same error message) which is happening because this (edited) code does the indicated things:
      sub get_and_cache_nodes { my ($self, $url, $update_info)=@_; # $url starts "" # . "node+query+xml+generator&nodes=47259,"... my $text=$self->getpage($url); # $text ends up "\r\n" if (!defined($text)) { warn "Error obtaining page: $@\n"; return; } # The next regex does nothing $text=~s!<NODE>\s*</NODE>!!g; # This line causes the error: my $tmpxml=XMLin($text, keyattr => { AUTHOR => "+node_id", NODE => "+node_id" }, forcearray => [ 'AUTHOR', 'NODE' ]);
      I don't have a cookie set (because I don't like the Tk Chat client "stealing" my XP updates nor having it make it appear like I'm around and paying attention when I'm probably busy doing other things) so my next task was to figure out how to set my login cookie and how to get NewestNodes to use it but not the Tk Chat Client.

      Also, I had to set a HOME environment variable before any of this would work. Not all environments have a $ENV{HOME} set so you might want to make the code more portable in that respect.

      BTW, I'd still like the split in "New Notes" as even when I get Tk Newest Nodes working, I won't always be using it.

              - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")

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