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Tracking your votes

by Blue (Hermit)
on Jan 16, 2001 at 20:32 UTC ( [id://52264]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Fellow Monks,

Just as we put up code we have problems with so that it may be improved by the community, we often put up ideas about the monastery itself, bringing new ideas that could improve it.

Something which would be personally useful, and I believe others may find it so, is a total of monks you have voted for. This would only allow you to see who you voted for, not who voted for you, so it shouldn't create bad feeling or popularity contests.

The purpose I see this used for is so that as a monk one can track which other monks write messages that you find worthy of a ++. For example, if I find that I've given a plethora of ++s to Ovid, I might make sure that I read all of his nodes because I personally find them more worthwhile. Or if I find a new monk whom was been getting a good amount, then that is a monk to watch and read.

In a perfect world, we could read every node and every response. However I know that personally I can get to maybe 80% of the root nodes, and of am not likely to go back later to see if there is something new if I hadn't added to that particular discussion.

These facts, and the fact that the monastery is still growing, lead me to wish for a way to focus my reading to help me catch those that I feel add greatly, as reflected that I ++ed them. This is not a replacement for browsing newest nodes, but an addition so that I don't miss later additions to nodes that I might otherwise not have time to add.

Our monk level gives a good indication of how someone contributes to the community, which is more then just straight Perl knowledge. But we still have individual preferences. One example is IO - I love his terse and correct answers, they make me work and figure out the why myself, which leaves me remembering it better, but perhaps some other monk prefers more verbose answers, and has voted that way. We would be expanding the functionality of the voting system to allow each monk to track their own preferences.

I can see that it would definitely add to the size of the databases, but I feel it has merit. Enough merit? That's up to others to decide - I just came up with the idea. {grin}

Comments? Other (better) ways to do achieve the goal? I'd love to here thoughts and criticisms on the idea.

=Blue might be eaten by a grue...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Tracking your votes
by footpad (Abbot) on Jan 16, 2001 at 21:25 UTC
    It's an interesting thought, but I'm not sure it's really necessary.

    First off, there's a risk of additional overhead with minimal benefit. After all, we already have a set of tools for discovering who the heaviest posters are and the relative reputations of their contributions.

    For example:

    • Saints in our book shows you the highest level monks.
    • You can go to any monk's home node, choose their writeups, and then order those by Reputation to see which posts were the most well received.
    • Best Nodes and Worst Nodes provide useful information.
    • You can use jcwren's Statistics page to view all sorts of wonderful little details and tidbits
    • You can Super Search Users for references to a specific monk to find write-ups by that person that other monks like.
    • There are various snippets, craft, and CUFP's that provide PM-related functionality.

    In short, you already have a number of tools available for discovering the best of what others have had to say.

    Granted, good code doesn't always receive the same number of votes as an entertaining poem, but it's an idea, though tracking the posts linked in various home nodes might provide a clearer picture of what you might need to catch up on.

    Besides, reputation already tracks the votes of the entire community. In some ways, that's more valuable than tracking your own voting habits.


Re: Tracking your votes
by Adam (Vicar) on Jan 17, 2001 at 09:16 UTC
    If you establish a trend of reading the nodes from authors you have read before, you will be excluding new posters who don't have as high a reputation with you. I try to read the questions and answers in Newest Nodes, and when there are too many responses to read them all, I read the ones which have code examples and explanations. I don't filter out the posts based on author. I am, however, more likely to believe the assertions of Saints over those of Initiates.

      As I mentioned in the post, this was for something in addition to newest nodes. I'm a great fan of it. However, because fo time, I often don't get a chance to go back to a root node I've read before to see if there is anything new. Thsi would be a help with it.

      However, since there doesn't seem to be anyone else interested, I think I'm just going to try a Perl solution on my own and share it with PM if/when it becomes presentable.

      =Blue might be eaten by a grue...

Re: Tracking your votes
by epoptai (Curate) on Jan 17, 2001 at 01:27 UTC
    With Perl you could easily build your own personal vote history tracker. I envision a modest cgi script displaying a few form elements in a small chromeless window used to build and maintain a database of users and votes:

    1. a text field and add button for adding new users to the db
    2. a select field listing users in the db
    3. ++ and -- radio buttons
    4. a vote button for adding a + or - vote to the selected user
    5. a show button to display users and votes made on them by you

    The database could be a simple listing of user|sum_of_votes or something more complex that records the sequence, time, node, etc, of each vote in a voting history.

    I'm kind of busy and don't know what you want so think you should write it and earn the ++ votes you'll deserve if you do it well.

    have fun - epoptai

      Good thought. You know, I want to play with LWP and TK anyway, maybe I'll work on a 'site-specific' browser, that can also track things like that. (And also posts I think are worth a ++ but I've run out for the day, so I can come back to them.)

      =Blue might be eaten by a grue...

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