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JAPH Section

by cciulla (Friar)
on Apr 29, 2000 at 16:13 UTC ( [id://9703]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Since some of these aren't really obfuscated, and, IMHO, they don't really belong in Craft, perhaps a new section for JAPHs would be appropos.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: JAPH Section
by cciulla (Friar) on Apr 29, 2000 at 16:15 UTC
    It would also be nice to allow maintenance on Discussions, for those of us who cannot spell "apropos."
RE: JAPH Section
by BBQ (Curate) on May 01, 2000 at 12:09 UTC
    The way I see it we already have three options:
    • Obfuscation
    • Snippets
    • and Craft
    I guess the japh section would be Craft... Snippets are useful for copy/pasting into your own code, while I would expect to find a fully functional prog in craft. Non of these two (snippets and craft) should/would be necessarily obfuscated. As a matter of fact, I'd vote against putting any Obfuscated Code in Craft since I don't suppose that's the purpose of that node (unless it does something useful).

    # Trust no1!
      I would think that craft would be a place for useful programs. I don't think that JAPHs are any more useful then helloworld. (Which is not to say they aren't useful. Only that they are either on the simple side or they are obfuscated.)

      Maybe there should be a sub-section for JAPHs with links from both the craft and the obfuscated sections.

        RANT qq{

        I see what you're saying! Then again, this goes back to the definition of a JAPH... The term just-another-perl-hack(er), in my vocabulary, doesn't directy imply that one needs to write obfuscated code to be noteworthy. Someone that hacks should be regarded as code-smart and not necessarily (albeit, usually) cryptic or misleading.

        I agree that a simple
        print "hello, world";
        has very little merit.

        In and of itself, JAPHs don't really do a whole hellovalot.

        However, they demonstrate perl functionality in a very tight manner. Call it the Reader's Digest Abridged Version of perl.

        Also, if those more knowledgeable about perl respond with a "better" way of doing a JAPH (or anything, for that matter), it increases the overall knowledge of the poster.

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