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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I know this is a Perl site, but i need help with a one liner. I have a little bash script that cats out a file and tells me if there is a line where the 11th column has more than 6 characters in it. It emails me where there is a bad line in a file - bead meaning that it will break a downstream process. anyhow when i get the email saying that there is a bad file i just log in to the pc via vpn and the I sed out the lines from the file that I get in the email. The bad lines are always in danny.csv not danny1.csv It has been the same lines killing the downstream process for a few weeks, so i put the "sed -i's" into the script and it does it automagically.

for i in danny.csv danny1.csv do cat /come/and/play/with/$i | perl -ne 'print if length((split /,/)[10 +]) > 6' | mail -s "danny.csv bad line" done #it would be nice to find a perl change the file in place sed -i '/D,642,0642,UBF,EVL,,M,,S,S,FOREVER,213,213,/d' /come/and/pla +y/with/us/danny.csv sed -i '/D,642,0642,UBF,EVL,,M,,S,S,QSP-U=C,4,4,/d' /come/and/play/wi +th/us/danny.csv

However when a new line gets put into this file, I am going to have to log in and take out the line. SO I have been trying to write a perl one liner that will edit the file in place, like sed, and make a backup of the file. I just need a perl one liner that will delete any line where the 11th columns has more than 6 characters in it.

perl -p -i.bak -e 's/\,\w{7}\,//g - which does not work.

I tried something like this:

perl -nle 'print if /\,\w{7}\,/' /come/and/play/with/us/danny.csv

but that does not catch the QSP-U=C and it catches more lines than just the FOREVER. for a solutinog I need to focus on the the 11th column.

In reply to perl one liner for csv file one field by MrTEE

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