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by Rex(Wrecks) (Curate)
on Aug 02, 2001 at 05:23 UTC ( [id://101556]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Networking Code
Author/Contact Info Rex(Wrecks)
Description: Hey all, first post so go easy on me :) I do a lot of automation to test hardware and software, I constantly fight the proprietary logging issue in a lot of code being written by fellow Automation Daemons. Since I work with a lot of hardware, specifically network gear, I wrote this utilty that can be used on both *nix and Win32 (I usually create a standalone exe for Windows) to send messages to a Syslog daemon. I have not used Perl for that long yet so I am sure there are things you can improve on.
# Script for logging automation to a Syslog server            #
# For public use, creator takes no responsibilities for       #
# any damages, misconfigs or loss of sanity resulting from    #
# these script(s)                                             #

use Net::Syslog ;
use Getopt::Std ;
use Net::Ping ;

#Set an array with legal Priority values
@priVals = ("emerg", "alert", "crit", "err", "warning", "notice", "inf
+o", "debug") ;
$priLen = $#priVals ;

getopts('m:p:t:') ;
unless ( defined $opt_p && defined $opt_t )
   die ("Missing Options!\n Required:\n\n  -p <proirity of message>\n 
+   Can be emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug\n\n  
+-t <text of Message to syslog>\n    Note: If you use spaces in your m
+essage, surround the message in quotes\n\n  -m <machine name or IP>\n
+    Note: this is optional, default is\n") ;

if ( !defined $opt_m )
   $opt_m = "" ;

$pingResult = Net::Ping->new('icmp') ;
die ("\nSysLoggerErr:1\nCannot resolve $opt_m\n") unless $pingResult->
+ping($opt_m) ;
$pingResult->close() ;

PRI: for ( $i ; $i <= $priLen ; $i++ )
   last PRI if $opt_p eq $priVals[$i] ;
   if ( $i == 7 )
      die ("Not a valid Priority, check caps as this is case sensitive
+!\n") ;
   next PRI if $opt_p ne $priVals[$i] ;

$syslog = new Net::Syslog ( SyslogHost=>$opt_m, Facility=>'syslog', Pr
+iority=>$opt_p ) ;
$syslog->send("$opt_t\n") ;

exit (0) ;
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
(crazyinsomniac) Re: SysLogger
by crazyinsomniac (Prior) on Aug 02, 2001 at 09:26 UTC
    No real improvements, just a matter of style
    (Dammit Jim, this is not C ;-) yeah i know, TIMTOWTDI)
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################### # Script for logging automation to a Syslog server # # For public use, creator takes no responsibilities for # # any damages, misconfigs or loss of sanity resulting from # # these script(s) # ############################################################### use strict; use Net::Ping; use Net::Syslog; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_p $opt_t $opt_m); #Set an array with legal Priority values my @priVals = qw(emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug); getopts('m:p:t:'); # I prefer &getopts('f?h:u:p:', \%O) because it doesn't # set additional global vars like described in pod unless ( defined $opt_p && defined $opt_t ) { die(<<' THEOPTIONS'); Missing Options! Required: -p <proirity of message> Can be emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug -t <text of Message to syslog> Note: If you use spaces in your message, surround the message in q +uotes -m <machine name or IP> Note: this is optional, default is THEOPTIONS } $opt_m = "" unless defined $opt_m; my $pingResult = Net::Ping->new('icmp'); die ("\nSysLoggerErr:1\nCannot resolve $opt_m\n") unless $pingResult->ping($opt_m); $pingResult->close() ; for my $priV (@priVals) { last if $opt_p eq $priV; die ("Not a valid Priority, check caps as this is case sensitive!\ +n") if $priV eq 'debug'; next if $opt_p ne $priV; } my $syslog = new Net::Syslog(SyslogHost => $opt_m, Facility => 'syslog', Priority => $opt_p); $syslog->send("$opt_t\n") ; exit;
    <<' THEOPTIONS' is called a heredoc, just do a search on this site and you'll find plenty of info (and you can always query the faq from perldoc)

    f? was just an example from xml_pimp and f? does nothing special, it just mean there is a switch called f, and one called ? (which is help in xml_pimp)

    As for the info, it's all documentation for Getopt::Std

    Disclaimer: Don't blame. It came from inside the void

    perl -e "$q=$_;map({chr unpack qq;H*;,$_}split(q;;,q*H*));print;$q/$q;"

      Hmmm, I like the "C" sytle :) It helps me read all of my code as I write C as well. But I'm sure I could argue about that all day.

      Where do I get info on what you suggested with the getopts line? Specificly, what does the f? do?
      I'm also curious to look up the trick that you used with THEOPTIONS...interesting.

      I really like perl, and the comunities seem very helpful as well.

      "Nothing is sure but death and taxes" I say combine the two and its death to all taxes!

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