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Re^4: Challenge: "Insanity" Cube Puzzle

by Ieronim (Friar)
on Jul 10, 2006 at 20:21 UTC ( [id://560213]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Challenge: "Insanity" Cube Puzzle
in thread Challenge: "Insanity" Cube Puzzle

I compared my new solution with your final and semi-final.

Here's the benchmark's code:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark 'cmpthese'; print limbic_final(); print "--------------------\n"; print ieronim_pure(); cmpthese( 500, { 'ieronim (new)' => 'my @results = ieronim_pure()', 'L~R (semi)' => 'my @results = limbic_semifinal()', 'L~R (final)' => 'my @results = limbic_final()' }); sub ieronim_pure { #my @cubes = qw/pgpygr rprrgy ppryyg rrygpy/; my @cubes = qw/rprrgy ppryyg rrygpy/; my %seen; my $str = join("", map {$_, scalar reverse $_} "pgpy","ggry","pygr +") ."!".join "!", map { join "", grep {!$seen{$_}++} map {join "", @$_} +@$_} map { [ rotate([@{$_}[0,1,2,3]]), rotate([@{$_}[4,1,5,3]]), rotate([@{$_}[0,4,2,5]]) ] } map { [split //] +} @cubes; my @result; my $re = qr/^(?:[^!]{4})* (?: ([^!]) ([^!]) ([^!]) ([^!]) ) (?:[^!]{4})*! (?:[^!]{4})* (?: (?!\1)([^!]) (?!\2)([^!]) (?!\3)([^!]) (?!\4)([^!]) ) (?:[^!]{4})*! (?:[^!]{4})* (?: (?!\1|\5)([^!]) (?!\2|\6)([^!]) (?!\3|\7)([^!]) (?!\4|\8)([^!]) ) (?:[^!]{4})*! (?:[^!]{4})* (?: (?!\1|\5|\9)([^!]) (?!\2|\6|\10)([^!]) (?!\3|\7|\11)([^!]) (?!\4|\8|\12)([^!]) )(?{ push @result, [join("", $1,$2,$3,$4), join("", $5,$6,$7,$8), join("", $9,$10,$11,$12), join("", $13,$14,$15,$16)] }) (?!) /x; #print $str; $str =~ /$re/; return map { join "\n", @$_, "", ""} @result; } sub rotate { my @strips; $strips[0] = shift; $strips[1] = [reverse @{$strips[0]}]; my @rotated; foreach (0..$#{$strips[0]}) { foreach my $strip (@strips) { push @$strip, shift @$strip; push @rotated, [@$strip]; } } return @rotated; } sub permute { my $ary = shift; return [$ary] if @$ary == 1; my @result; foreach my $i (0..$#{$ary}) { push @result, map { [$ary->[$i], @$_] } @{permute([@{$ary}[0.. +$i-1, $i+1..$#{$ary}]])}; } return \@result; } ################################################################## sub limbic_final { my @result; my @cube = ( [[qw/p g p y/], [qw/g g y r/], [qw/g g r p/]], rotations('rprrgy'), rotations('ppryyg'), ); my %cube4 = map {("@$_" => 1)} @{rotations('rrygpy')}; my @used; for my $c1 (@{$cube[0]}) { @used = map {{$_ => 1}} @$c1; CUBE2: for my $c2 (@{$cube[1]}) { $used[$_]{$c2->[$_]} && next CUBE2 for 0 .. 3; $used[$_]{$c2->[$_]} = 1 for 0 .. 3; CUBE3: for my $c3 (@{$cube[2]}) { $used[$_]{$c3->[$_]} && next CUBE3 for 0 .. 3; my $sol = find_sol($c1, $c2, $c3); push @result, "@$c1\n@$c2\n@$c3\n$sol\n\n" if $cube4{$ +sol}; } $used[$_]{$c2->[$_]} = 0 for 0 .. 3; } } return @result; } sub find_sol { my ($c1, $c2, $c3) = @_; my @sol; for my $i (0 .. 3) { my %free = map {$_ => undef} qw/r g y p/; delete @free{ map $_->[$i], $c1, $c2, $c3 }; push @sol, keys %free; } return "@sol"; } sub rotations { my (%seen, @rot); my @cube = split //, shift @_; for ([0 .. 3], [1, 4, 3, 5], [4, 0, 5, 2]) { my @col = @cube[@$_]; push @rot, map {push @col, shift @col; $seen{"@col"}++ ? () : +[@col]} 1..4; @col = reverse @{$rot[-1]}; push @rot, map {push @col, shift @col; $seen{"@col"}++ ? () : +[@col]} 1..4; } return \@rot; } sub limbic_semifinal { my @result; my @cube = ( [[qw/p g p y/], [qw/g g y r/], [qw/g g r p/]], rotations('rprrgy'), rotations('ppryyg'), ); my %cube4 = map {("@$_" => 1)} @{rotations('rrygpy')}; for my $c1 (@{$cube[0]}) { for my $c2 (@{$cube[1]}) { for my $c3 (@{$cube[2]}) { my $sol = find_sol($c1, $c2, $c3); push @result, "@$c1\n@$c2\n@$c3\n$sol\n\n" if $cube4{$ +sol}; } } } return @result; }
And here are the results:
Rate L~R (semi) L~R (final) ieronim (new) L~R (semi) 15.5/s -- -94% -97% L~R (final) 258/s 1566% -- -48% ieronim (new) 500/s 3128% 94% --

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