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Re: increase font size in Perl TK

by zentara (Archbishop)
on Aug 04, 2011 at 10:58 UTC ( [id://918499]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to increase font size in Perl TK

It sounds pretty daunting to get it from a string of family and size and compare them to the string you get back from a widget about a font.

One thing I have discovered recently about Tk fonts, is for the most part, you can forget passing the whole font-family string, Tk will happily just take the size. For instance, look at this extremely simple example.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $size = 12; my $main = new MainWindow(); $main->geometry('400x400+200+200'); my $font = $main->fontCreate( -size => $size, -weight => 'bold'); my $button; $button = $main->Button(-text => "+", -font => $font, -command => sub{ $button->configure( -font=> $main->fontCreate( -size => $size++, -weight => 'bold')), } ); $button->pack(); MainLoop;
and in case you havn't seen it yet, here is a font viewer for Tk, you probably can decipher all it's complexities, but the above method is probably simpler for controlling font size of a widget.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # copied from # and modified to run as intended. #-------------------------------------------- # showfonts - show X fonts #-------------------------------------------- @helpText = ( "", "This Perl/Tk script permits you to look at X fonts.", "You can select fonts out of the listbox.", "", "Of the buttons at the bottom of the window:", " Show/Hide Extended - toggles between 7-bit and 8-bit characters", " Show Full Names/Aliases - toggles between full font names and aliase +s", " Filter - brings up a filter dialog for the font names", "" ); #-------------------------------------------- # Included Library Modules #-------------------------------------------- use Tk; #-------------------------------------------- # Global data #-------------------------------------------- $messageText = "Double-click on a font to look at it."; $fullFontText = "-foundry-family-weight-slant-width--pixels-points-hre +s-vres-spacing-average-set"; @normalText = ( "\040\041\042\043\044\045\046\047\050\051\052\053\054\055\056\057" . "\060\061\062\063\064\065\066\067\070\071\072\073\074\075\076\077", "\100\101\102\103\104\105\106\107\110\111\112\113\114\115\116\117" . "\120\121\122\123\124\125\126\127\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137", "\140\141\142\143\144\145\146\147\150\151\152\153\154\155\156\157" . "\160\161\162\163\164\165\166\167\170\171\172\173\174\175\176", ); @extendedText = ( "\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\210\211\212\213\214\215\216\217" . "\220\221\222\223\224\225\226\227\230\231\232\233\234\235\236\237", "\240\241\242\243\244\245\246\247\250\251\252\253\254\255\256\257" . "\260\261\262\263\264\265\266\267\270\271\272\273\274\275\276\277", "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317" . "\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337", "\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357" . "\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\377", ); @sampleText = ( @normalText ); $extended = 0; $extendedButtonText = "Show Extended"; $fullNames = 0; $fullNameButtonText = "Show Full Names"; @wildCards = ( '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', ' +*', '*' ); @fontElement = @wildCards; $filterButtonLabel = "Filter..."; $filter = ""; $applyButtonLabel = 'Apply'; $clearButtonLabel = 'Clear'; $dismissButtonLabel = 'Dismiss'; #-------------------------------------------- # Main #-------------------------------------------- # If any arguments were given, assume that they're asking for help. if ($ARGV[0]) { foreach $line (@helpText) { print "$line\n"; } } # Get the entire list of fonts, removing the carriage return from each + name. $a = "xlsfonts|"; #open FONTS, "xlsfonts|" || die "Couldn't read fonts\n"; open FONTS, $a || die "Couldn't read fonts\n"; @totalFonts = <FONTS>; close FONTS; #@totalFonts = grep( chop, ); #get line count my $count = "0"; open FONTS, $a; while ( $totalFonts = <FONTS> ) { $count++; } close (FONTS); my $b = "0"; for ( $b = "0"; $b < $count; $b++) { chop $totalFonts[$b] }; # Start with the subset of aliased fonts (those without an initial '-' +). @allFonts = grep( !/^\-/, @totalFonts ); @fonts = @allFonts; # Pick the first font to start with. $currentFont = $fonts[0]; # Initialize Tk $top = MainWindow->new(); # Stick a message at the top. $message = $top->Label( -text => $messageText, -relief => "raised", -b +d => 2 ); $message->pack( -fill => 'x' ); # Place the list of fonts next. $listFrame = $top->Frame( -relief => "flat" ); $listFrame->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 'yes' ); $fontListbox = &makeList( $listFrame, fontSelected, 'left', @fonts ); # Put some sample text at the bottom. $sampleFrame = $top->Frame( -relief => "ridge", -bd => 2 ); $sampleFrame->pack( -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x' ); &displayText( 0, scalar(@sampleText) ); # Put some option buttons above it $optionFrame = $top->Frame; $optionFrame->pack( -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x' ); &makeButton( $optionFrame, \$extendedButtonText, toggleExtended ); &makeButton( $optionFrame, \$fullNameButtonText, toggleFullNames ); $filterButton = makeButton( $optionFrame, \$filterButtonLabel, filterD +ialog ); # Placing the above stuff in this order means that the optional explan +ation # for the full names will appear between the listbox and the option bu +ttons. # Fall into the event loop. MainLoop(); #-------------------------------------------- # Functions #-------------------------------------------- sub fontSelected { $currentFont = $_[0]; &working; for ( $i=0; $i < "3"; $i++ ) { $sample[$i]->configure( -font => $currentFont ); } &doneWorking; } sub toggleExtended { if ( $extended ) { &destroyText( scalar(@normalText), scalar(@sampleText) ); @sampleText = ( @normalText ); $extendedButtonText = "Show Extended"; $extended = 0; } else { @sampleText = ( @normalText, @extendedText ); $extendedButtonText = "Hide Extended"; $extended = 1; &displayText( scalar(@normalText), scalar(@sampleText) ); } } sub toggleFullNames { if ( $fullNames ) { $fullText->destroy; @allFonts = grep( !/^\-/, @totalFonts ); $fullNameButtonText = "Show Full Names"; $fullNames = 0; } else { $fullText = $top->Label( -text => $fullFontText, -relief => "ridge", - +bd => 2 ); $fullText->pack( -fill => 'x' ); @allFonts = grep( /^\-/, @totalFonts ); $fullNameButtonText = "Show Aliases"; $fullNames = 1; } $filter = ""; &filterFonts; } sub destroyText { my ( $start, $end ) = @_; for $i ( $start .. $end ) { $sample[$i]->destroy if ( $sample[$i] ); } } sub displayText { my ( $start, $end ) = @_; for $i ( $start .. $end ) { $sample[$i] = $sampleFrame->Label( -text => $sampleText[$i], -font => $currentFont ); $sample[$i]->pack( -anchor => 'w' ); } } #-------------------------------------------- # Called when the Filter... button is pressed #-------------------------------------------- sub filterDialog { if ( $fullNames ) { &makeFullFilterDialog(); } else { &makeFilterDialog( $filterButton, \$filter, filterFonts ); } } sub filterFonts { # If a search pattern was given, use it to narrow down the list of fon +ts. if ( $filter ) { @fonts = grep( /$filter/, @allFonts ); } else { @fonts = @allFonts; } # Pick the first font to start with. $currentFont = $fonts[0]; # Delete the current contents of the listbox and replace it with the n +ew list. if ( $fontListbox ) { $fontListbox->delete( 0, 'end' ); $fontListbox->insert( 'end', @fonts ); } } sub makeFullFilterDialog { my ( $frame, $message ); my $clearButtonLabel = 'Clear'; my $dismissButtonLabel = 'Dismiss'; # Disable the filter button while the filter dialog is up. $filterButton->configure( -state => 'disabled' ); # Create the dialog box $filterDialog = $filterButton->Toplevel( -class => 'Full Name Filter' +); $filterDialog->geometry( &getBottomEdge( $filterButton, 1 ) ); # Put the current filter at the top. $frame = $filterDialog->Frame( -relief => 'sunken', -bd => 3 ); $frame->pack( -fill => 'x' ); for $i ( 0 .. 12 ) { $frame->Label( -text => '-' )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'n' ) +; &addButton( $frame, $i ) if ( $wildCards[$i] ); } # Put some action buttons in the space at the bottom. $frame = $filterDialog->Frame( -relief => 'groove', -bd => 5 ); makeButton( $filterDialog, \$clearButtonLabel, clearFonts ); makeButton( $filterDialog, \$dismissButtonLabel, sub { destroy $filterDialog; $filterButton->configure( -state => 'normal' ); + }); $filterDialog->wm( 'protocol', 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { destroy $filterDialog; $filterButton->configure( -state => 'normal' ); + }); } sub addButton { my ( $parent, $index ) = @_; my ( $button, $frame, $label ); my @labels = split( '-', $fullFontText ); $frame = $parent->Frame; $frame->pack( -side => 'left' ); $label = $frame->Label( -text => $labels[$index+1] ); $label->pack; $button = $frame->Button( -textvariable => \$fontElement[$index], -command => sub { selectFontElement($index) } ); $button->bind( '' => sub { selectFontElement($index) } ); $button->pack; $button; } sub selectFontElement { $elementIndex = $_[0]; my ( @selections ) = ( '*' ); my ( $font ); $fontElement[$elementIndex] = '*'; &adjustFonts; # Find each unique element in the current font list. foreach $font ( @fonts ) { my @elements = split( '-', $font ); my $element = $elements[$elementIndex+1]; if ( $elementIndex == 12 && $elements[$elementIndex+2] ) { $element .= '-' . $elements[$elementIndex+2]; } push( @selections, $element ) if ( !grep( /^$element$/, @selections )) +; } @selections = sort( @selections ); # Create the dialog box my @elements = split( '-', $fullFontText ); my $element = $elements[$elementIndex+1]; $selectDialog = $top->Toplevel( -class => $element ); $selectDialog->geometry( &getBottomEdge( $filterDialog ) ); my $frame = $selectDialog->Frame; $frame->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 'yes' ); $frame->grab; &makeList( $frame, elementSelected, 'right', @selections ); } sub elementSelected { $fontElement[$elementIndex] = $_[0]; $selectDialog->destroy; &adjustFonts; } sub clearFonts { my ( $i ); for $i ( 0 .. 12 ) { $fontElement[$i] = $wildCards[$i]; } &adjustFonts } sub adjustFonts { &working; $filter = ""; for $element ( @fontElement ) { $filter .= '\-'; if ( $element eq '*' ) { $filter .= '.*'; } else { $filter .= $element; } } &filterFonts; &doneWorking; } sub getBottomEdge { my ( $w, $goUp ) = @_; my $geom; while ( $goUp && $w->winfo( 'parent' ) ) { $w = $w->winfo( 'parent' ); } $geom = $w->winfo( 'geometry' ); # Split it into its component parts. my ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize ) = parseGeometry( $geom ); my $x = $xCoord; my $y = $yCoord + $ySize; # Assemble x and y into a geometry statement (coordinates only, no siz +e). $geom = "+$x+$y"; } sub working { $top->configure( -cursor => 'watch' ); $top->update; if ( $filterDialog ) { $filterDialog->configure( -cursor => 'watch' ); $filterDialog->update; } } sub doneWorking { $top->configure( -cursor => 'left_ptr' ); if ( $filterDialog ) { $filterDialog->configure( -cursor => 'left_ptr' ); } } #-------------------------------------------- # makeList - Create a listbox and associated scrollbar. #-------------------------------------------- sub makeList { my ( $parent, $command, $side, @list ) = @_; my ( $listbox, $scrollbar ); # Stick a scroll bar on the requested side. $scrollbar = $parent->Scrollbar(); $scrollbar->pack( -side => $side, -fill => 'y' ); # Create a listbox and tie it to the scrollbar. # (If the you move the listbox with button2, the scrollbar will also m +ove.) $listbox = $parent->Listbox( -setgrid => 'yes', -yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $scrollbar ] ); $listbox->insert( 'end', @list ); $listbox->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 'yes' ); # Change the cursor when button2/3 is depressed to remind people that # they can move the listbox. $listbox->bind( '<Button-2>' => sub { $listbox->configure( -cursor => 'spider' )}); $listbox->bind( '<Button-3>' => sub { $listbox->configure( -cursor => 'star' )}); # Tie the scrollbar to the listbox # (If you move the scrollbar, the listbox will also move.) $scrollbar->configure( -command => [ 'yview', $listbox ] ); # If an element is selected with either the mouse or the keyboard, # do what needs to be done. $listbox->bind( '<Return>' => sub { my $selection = $listbox->get('active'); &$command( $selection ); } ); $listbox->bind( '<Double-Button-1>' => sub { my $selection = $listbox->get('active'); &$command( $selection ); } ); # Shift input focus to the listbox's components when the mouse touches + them. $listbox->bind( '<1>' => sub { $listbox->focus } ); $scrollbar->bind( '<1>' => sub { $scrollbar->focus } ); $listbox; } #-------------------------------------------- # Called when the Filter... button is pressed #-------------------------------------------- sub makeFilterDialog { my ( $frame, $button, $apply, $label ); $fButton = shift; $filterP = shift; my $command = shift; # Disable the filter button while the filter dialog is up. $fButton->configure( -state => 'disabled' ); # Find the right edge of the parent window. $geom = getRightEdge( $fButton ); # Create the dialog box $dialog = $fButton->Toplevel( -class => 'Filter' ); $dialog->geometry( $geom ); $dialog->wm( 'protocol', 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub{ &destroyDialog; } ); # Put the filter text widget at the top. $frame = $dialog->Frame(); $frame->pack( -fill => 'x'); $label = $frame->Label( -text => "Filter:", -relief => 'flat' ); $label->pack( -side => 'left' ); $filterText = $frame->Entry( -width => 10, -relief => 'sunken', -bd => + 2 ); $filterText->insert( 'end', $$filterP ); $filterText->pack( -side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 'yes' ); $filterText->bind( '' => sub { $apply->flash; $$filterP = $filterText->get; &$command } ); $filterText->focus; # Put some action buttons in the space at the bottom. $frame = $dialog->Frame( -relief => 'groove', -bd => 5 ); $frame->pack( -side => 'left', -padx => '1m', -pady => '1m', -expand = +> 'yes' ); $apply = makeButton( $frame, \$applyButtonLabel, sub { $$filterP = $filterText->get; &$command } ); makeButton( $dialog, \$clearButtonLabel, sub { $$filterP = ""; $filterText->delete( 0, 'end' );} ); makeButton( $dialog, \$dismissButtonLabel, destroyDialog ); } #-------------------------------------------- # Destroy the dialog window and re-enable the filter button. #-------------------------------------------- sub destroyDialog { destroy $dialog; $fButton->configure( -state => 'normal' ); } sub getRightEdge { my ( $w ) = @_; my $geom; # Get the geometry of the eldest parent. while ( $w ) { $geom = $w->winfo( 'geometry' ); $w = $w->winfo( 'parent' ); } # Split it into its component parts. my ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize ) = parseGeometry( $geom ); # Add the x size and coordinate to get the right edge. my $x = $xCoord + $xSize; # Find the midpoint of that edge for the y coordinate. my $y = $yCoord + int($ySize/2); # Assemble x and y into a geometry statement (coordinates only, no siz +e). $geom = "+$x+$y"; } sub parseGeometry { my ( $geom ) = @_; my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize ); # Split the geometry string into its component parts. #my ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord ) = split '\+', $geom ; #my ( $xSize, $ySize ) = split 'x', $size; ( $size, $xCoord, $yCoord ) = split '\+', $geom ; ( $xSize, $ySize ) = split 'x', $size; # Return the components. return ( $xCoord, $yCoord, $xSize, $ySize ); } sub makeButton { my ( $parent, $text, $command ) = @_; my ( $button ); $button = $parent->Button( -textvariable => $text, -command => sub { & +$command } ); $button->bind( '' => sub { &$command } ); $button->pack( -side => 'left', -padx => '1m', -pady => '1m', -expand +=> 'yes' ); $button; }

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