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Re^2: First foray into Perl

by Anonymous Monk
on Mar 24, 2014 at 22:18 UTC ( [id://1079602]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: First foray into Perl
in thread First foray into Perl

Thank you very much Brent!

As you suspected I am a biologist and I thought I'd see what Perl has to offer. Thanks for such a comprehensive and detailed piece of code, I really appreciate your time and effort. Out of interest, could the "foreach (1 .. 10)" loop be modified to accommodate variation in the number of data lines? something like:

foreach (integer),else exit loop


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Re^3: First foray into Perl
by Cristoforo (Curate) on Mar 24, 2014 at 23:05 UTC
    What comes on the line after the last (highest) digit, 10 in your sample. A blank line maybe? Please post more than 1 record showing if anything indicates you've reached the last pos for the record.

      The next line is:

      TF Name Unknown/

      So far I've tried a do-until loop:

      foreach (1..25) { my $command do { STUFF TO EXECUTE } until ($command eq "TF"); }

      Any pointers (in the literary sense) gratefully received! Cheers

        .. bit stuck. Here's what I have so far. Seems close but I can't quite get it right. Please help!

        use strict; use warnings; open(MOTIFS, "all_motifs.txt") or die("Unable to open file"); # Read the first 7 lines of metadata. # # Assuming there are always 7 lines of metadata. foreach (1..121) { foreach (1..7) { # Read a line of data. my $header_data = <MOTIFS>; # Remove the end of line character. chomp $header_data; # Split the string into 2 parts, using white space as a separator +. my ($lable, $string) = split /\s+/, $header_data, 2; # only pay attention to the "Motif" line. next if ($lable ne 'Motif'); print "$string "; } # Process the next lines of data until line containing string "TF + Unknown" is reached. foreach (<MOTIFS>) { # Remove the end of line character. chomp my $line; # Process lines until "TF Unknowm' while ($line ne 'TF Unknown') { # Declare a variable to hold the data in the file. my %base_pairs; # Split the string into 5 parts, using whitespace as a separ +ator. # Assuming the Position is always in the same order in the f +ile. (undef, $base_pairs{A}, $base_pairs{C}, $base_pairs{G}, $bas +e_pairs{T}) = split /\s+/, $line, 5; my @letters = keys %base_pairs; # Start with the first column value and make it the max. val +ue. my $max = pop @letters; # Compare each value to the maximum. foreach my $letter (@letters) { # What if two (or more) values are equal??? if ($base_pairs{$max} < $base_pairs{$letter}) { # The current value was greater than the maximum, so +make it the new maximum. $max = $letter; } } # Print the letter representing the maximum value. print $max; } } } # print an end of line character. print "\n";

        and this is what a few records look like:

        TF Unknown TF Name Unknown Gene ENSG00000113916 Motif ENSG00000113916___1|1x3 Family C2H2 ZF Species Homo_sapiens Pos A C G T 1 0.664794 0.13099 0.0810125 0.123203 2 0.675621 0.0396475 0.144967 0.139764 3 0.0913393 0.0396819 0.847004 0.0219745 4 0.850414 0.0522149 0.0519174 0.0454536 5 0.89157 0.00962148 0.0845269 0.0142814 6 0.122389 0.0875591 0.0734604 0.716591 7 0.226696 0.00745549 0.745549 0.0202999 8 0.156228 0.151994 0.128767 0.563011 9 0.22083 0.561173 0.12007 0.0979266 10 0.507656 0.0711684 0.0652815 0.355894 TF Unknown TF Name Unknown Gene ENSG00000113916 Motif ENSG00000113916___1|2x3 Family C2H2 ZF Species Homo_sapiens Pos A C G T 1 0.538498 0.157305 0.157633 0.146564 2 0.0728444 0.00877167 0.877166 0.0412175 3 0.959269 0.0131077 0.0159611 0.0116621 4 0.852439 0.0238831 0.0168134 0.106864 5 0.57332 0.0688014 0.181385 0.176494 6 0.139513 0.0747988 0.737607 0.0480813 7 0.735484 0.0912993 0.09091 0.0823067 8 0.79932 0.0270417 0.137306 0.0363319 9 0.16103 0.12536 0.109938 0.603672 10 0.622356 0.06782 0.115463 0.194361 TF Unknown TF Name Unknown Gene ENSG00000113916 Motif ENSG00000113916___1|3x3 Family C2H2 ZF Species Homo_sapiens Pos A C G T 1 0.616484 0.0886488 0.24602 0.0488468 2 0.0971289 0.591289 0.134781 0.176801 3 0.0715039 0.0237142 0.0432674 0.861514 4 0.73769 0.117011 0.059703 0.0855963 5 0.0728444 0.00877167 0.877166 0.0412175 6 0.959269 0.0131077 0.0159611 0.0116621 7 0.852439 0.0238831 0.0168134 0.106864 8 0.57332 0.0688014 0.181385 0.176494 9 0.139513 0.0747988 0.737607 0.0480813 10 0.615257 0.189034 0.125514 0.0701943 TF Unknown TF Name Unknown Gene ENSG00000113916

        massive thanks!

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