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Re: Hangman Assistant

by Limbic~Region (Chancellor)
on Jul 13, 2009 at 01:55 UTC ( [id://779443]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Hangman Assistant

Here is some proof of concept code I wrote for an algorithm I outlined here. It is rather naive and I didn't spend a lot of time making it efficient but I figured I would share anyway.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; my %opt; get_args(\%opt); my $dict = load_dictionary($opt{d}, $opt{w}); my %guessed; my $curr_guess = join '', map {'*'} 1 .. length($opt{w}); while (1) { last if $curr_guess eq $opt{w} || ! $opt{g}; print "Current value:\t$curr_guess\n"; my $best_letter = find_best_letter($dict, \%guessed); print "Best letter to choose: $best_letter\n"; my $result = index($opt{w}, $best_letter) == -1 ? 'wrong' : 'right +'; if (index($opt{w}, $best_letter) == -1) { print "You guessed wrong\n"; --$opt{g}; prune_dict_bad_guess($dict, $best_letter); } else { print "You guessed right\n"; $curr_guess = update_current($curr_guess, $opt{w}, $best_lette +r); prune_dict_correct_guess($dict, $curr_guess); } $guessed{$best_letter} = undef; } print "\n$curr_guess\n"; sub prune_dict_correct_guess { my ($dict, $curr) = @_; my %correct; for (0 .. length($curr) - 1) { my $chr = substr($curr, $_, 1); next if $chr eq '*'; $correct{$_} = $chr; } for my $word (keys %$dict) { for my $pos (keys %correct) { if (substr($word, $pos, 1) ne $correct{$pos}) { delete $dict->{$word}; last; } } } } sub update_current { my ($src, $tgt, $let) = @_; for (0 .. length($tgt) - 1) { substr($src, $_, 1, $let) if substr($tgt, $_, 1) eq $let; } return $src; } sub prune_dict_bad_guess { my ($dict, $letter) = @_; for my $word (keys %$dict) { delete $dict->{$word} if index($word, $letter) != -1; } } sub find_best_letter { my ($dict, $guessed) = @_; my %alpha; for my $word (keys %$dict) { my %uniq = map {$_ => undef} split //, $word; $alpha{$_}++ for keys %uniq; } delete @alpha{keys %$guessed}; # Would be better as water mark algorithm my @best = sort {$alpha{$b} <=> $alpha{$a}} keys %alpha; return $best[0]; } sub get_args { my ($opt) = @_; my $Usage = qq{Usage: $0 [options] -h : This help message -d : The (d)ictionary file Default: 'words.txt' in the current working directory -g : The number of (g)uesses Default: 7 -w : The (w)ord to be guessed } . "\n"; getopts('hd:g:w:', $opt) or die $Usage; die $Usage if $opt->{h}; die $Usage if ! $opt->{w} || $opt->{w} =~ /[^a-zA-Z] +/; $opt->{d} = 'words.txt' if ! defined $opt->{d}; $opt->{g} = 7 if ! defined $opt->{g}; $opt->{w} = lc($opt->{w}); } sub load_dictionary { my ($file, $word) = @_; my $desired_length = length($word); my %dict; open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Unable to open '$file' for readin +g: $!"; while (<$fh>) { tr/a-zA-Z//cd; next if length($_) != $desired_length; $dict{lc($_)} = undef; } return \%dict; }

Cheers - L~R

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Re^2: Hangman Assistant
by Lawliet (Curate) on Jul 13, 2009 at 05:25 UTC

    Thanks for the effort!

    I think your algorithm is the same as the one I initially used, suggesting the letter that is most common throughout the words. I think further investigation should be done, testing all the words and then seeing the data produced for each algorithm.

    I don't mind occasionally having to reinvent a wheel; I don't even mind using someone's reinvented wheel occasionally. But it helps a lot if it is symmetric, contains no fewer than ten sides, and has the axle centered. I do tire of trapezoidal wheels with offset axles. --Joseph Newcomer

      ...testing all the words and then seeing the data produced for each algorithm

      I suggested the very thing elsewhere in the thread. I can easily modify this code to only produce "lose" if it is unable to guess the word in the allowed number of wrong guesses or "win <total_guesses> <wrong_guesses>" if it does win. I haven't looked at your code so I would think it would be easier for you to modify it accordingly.

      Cheers - L~R

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