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Re: (tye)Re: Can Schwartzian transform be modified to sort an arrayref uniquely?

by khkramer (Scribe)
on Jan 04, 2002 at 22:51 UTC ( [id://136341]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (tye)Re: Can Schwartzian transform be modified to sort an arrayref uniquely?
in thread Can Schwartzian transform be modified to sort an arrayref uniquely?

Indeed. There are trade-offs everywhere: by default, I always write

sort {} grep {} @foo;

so that the grep happens first. The speed is more important than the memory for almost everything I do.

Here's a little bit of lies/damn-lies/statistics demonstrating the speed difference on an array in which most values appear twice.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use Benchmark; use strict; my @data; my %seen; foreach ( 1..100_000 ) { push @data, int($_/2) } fisher_yates_shuffle ( \@data ); #my @gs = gs(); print join ( "\n", @gs ); #my @sg = sg(); print join ( "\n", @sg ); timethese ( 20, { sort_grep => \&sg, grep_sort => \&gs, } ); sub gs { return sort { $a <=> $b } grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ }@data; } sub sg { return grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } sort { $a <=> $b } @data; } # fisher_yates_shuffle( \@array ) : from Perl Cookbook sub fisher_yates_shuffle { my $array = shift; my $i; for ($i = @$array; --$i; ) { my $j = int rand ($i+1); next if $i == $j; @$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i]; } }

And the output I get:

Benchmark: timing 20 iterations of grep_sort, sort_grep... grep_sort: 5 wallclock secs ( 4.70 usr + 0.02 sys = 4.72 CPU) @ 4 +.24/s (n=20) sort_grep: 16 wallclock secs (15.56 usr + 0.03 sys = 15.59 CPU) @ 1 +.28/s (n=20)

As a side note, I regard this kind of optimization as "habitual", rather than of the premature kind. <laugh>

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