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Re: Complex Sort - using varying numbers of parameters

by amphiplex (Monk)
on Jul 04, 2002 at 12:33 UTC ( [id://179440]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Complex Sort - using varying numbers of parameters

Hi !

This script should do what you want, specifically my_sort(), the rest is just to get a test environment.
use strict; sub my_sort { my $max_index = $#{@{$a->{Path}}} > $#{@{$b->{Path}}} ? $#{@{$a->{P +ath}}} : $#{@{$b->{Path}}}; for (0..$max_index) { my $r = $a->{Path}->[$_] <=> $b->{Path}->[$_]; return $r if $r; } return 0; } sub print_tree { my $tree = shift; for my $member (@$tree) { print join (' ', @{$member->{Path}})."\n"; } } my $input = <<EOF; 5 32 37 5 32 38 5 32 39 3 12 11 19 20 3 12 11 21 3 12 22 3 12 23 5 32 40 3 12 24 5 32 41 3 25 5 32 42 2 26 5 32 43 2 26 27 2 26 28 2 26 29 0 1 1 2 1 3 3 12 10 1 4 3 12 11 1 5 3 12 2 6 3 12 13 3 12 7 3 12 11 19 14 3 12 8 2 26 30 3 12 11 19 15 3 12 9 5 32 31 3 12 11 19 16 5 32 3 12 11 19 17 5 32 33 3 12 11 19 18 5 32 34 3 12 11 19 5 32 35 5 32 36 EOF # # prepare array of hashes # my @Tree; for (split "\n", $input) { my @a = split (' ', $_); push @Tree, {Path=>\@a}; } print "ORIGINAL:\n"; print_tree(\@Tree); my @Tree_sorted = sort my_sort @Tree; print "SORTED:\n"; print_tree(\@Tree_sorted);
---- kurt

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Re: Re: Complex Sort - using varying numbers of parameters
by RMGir (Prior) on Jul 04, 2002 at 12:46 UTC
    The problem with doing it this way is that you're going to be running "my_sort" many many times, introducing a lot of overhead.

    That's what the Schwartzian Transform, GRT, or Orcish Maneuvre save you from; they only compute each key once.

    George_Sherston's original solution also avoided recomputing keys unnecessarily, by storing them in ->{Sort} beforehand.

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