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Re: Neglected tutorials?

by benn (Vicar)
on Sep 07, 2003 at 16:00 UTC ( [id://289589]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Neglected tutorials?

It's the whole Tutorial update process that seems to have stopped. There are *many* tutorials that were posted as such (rather than Meditations etc. considered for movement) that have not been added to the main page also - so many, in fact, that I begin to wonder whether Tutorials should be split up into separate sub-category pages, rather than all (or not, as the case may be :) ) on one page.

Personally, I find Tutorials can be one of the most useful sections in the Monastery - in fact, I nearly wrote something similar to this very Discussion a couple of weeks ago when I got frustrated looking for An introduction to POE - something that took a Super Search to find, which seemed a needless waste of resources.

Cheers, Ben.

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