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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Update: Found the reason why cperl is failing with 64-bit, described below.

Hi tybalt89,

Perl is passing with 32 and 64 bits. Regarding cperl, it is passing 32 bits ($half = 16), but not 64 bits ($half = 32).

$ perl 5000 -9000 100 >x.tmp 2>y.tmp


$ /opt/perl-5.24.2/bin/perl -I. x.tmp 2 cell count at start = 15000 run benchmark for 2 ticks cell count at end = 15000 time taken: 0 secs


$ /opt/cperl-5.24.3c/bin/cperl -I. x.tmp 2 cell count at start = 15000 run benchmark for 2 ticks cell count at end = 6753 <-- fails on 64-bit hw ($half = 32) time taken: 0 secs

The reason cperl is failing on 64-bit hw ($half = 32) is due to numbers converting to exponential notation.

# perl 5 -9 100 >x.tmp 2>y.tmp # print "@zcells\n"; 9223372039002259557 -9.22337203900226e+18 -9.22337203900226e+18, ...

Running $half = 30 resolves the issue. If you want, $half may be set programmatically.

# use 30-bits on 64-bit hw for cperl compatibility my $half = ( ( log(~0 + 1) / log(2) ) >= 64 ) ? 30 : 16;

Regards, Mario

In reply to Re^15: High Performance Game of Life (updated) by marioroy
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