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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
=head1 NAME Pod::Master - I am the master of HTML Pod. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module uses L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html> to generate HTML versions of all the documentation it finds using L<Pod::Find|Pod::Find>. It also creates a neat-o table of contents. Look at B<L<this|"Modules">> to see if you like it. =head1 SYNOPSIS C<perl -MPod::Master -e Update()> C<perl -MPod::Master -e " Update()->MiniTOC() "> #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Pod::Master; use strict; my $pM = new Pod::Master( { verbose => 1 } ); $pM->UpdatePOD(); $pM->UpdateTOC(1); =head1 EXPORTS L<C<Update>|"Update"> is the only exported function, and the only one you need to call, to have a this module do what it does and have the results end up in C<perl -V:installhtmldir> =cut package Pod::Master; require 5.005; # let's be reasonable now ;)(cause File* and Pod* are) use Config; use File::Path qw( mkpath ); use File::Spec::Functions qw( canonpath abs2rel splitpath splitdir cat +dir ); use Pod::Html qw( 1.04 ); use Pod::Find qw( pod_find ); # now it's my problem use strict; BEGIN{eval q{use warnings};} # where available only (i wan't em) use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION $MasterCSS $ScriptDir $PrivLib $SiteLib $InstallPrefix $InstallHtmlDir ); $VERSION = 0.014; @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT = qw( Update ); $ScriptDir = canonpath $Config{scriptdir}; # must be canonical!!!! $PrivLib = canonpath $Config{privlib}; $SiteLib = canonpath $Config{sitelib}; $InstallPrefix = canonpath $Config{installprefix}; $InstallHtmlDir = canonpath $Config{installhtmldir}; =head1 Methods Most of these return C<$self> if they're not supposed to return anyth +ing. =head2 C<new> The constructor (a class method). Takes an optional hashref of C<$options>, which are: =over 4 =item boiler I<See L<Header|"Header">>. =item outdir A path (which must exist) where podmaster.frame.html podmaster.toc.html lib/strict.html ... will reside. =item overwrite A boolean. Default is 0. It's the default argument to L<"UpdatePOD">. =item verbose A boolean. If true, prints out messages (it's all or none). =item path An array reference of additional directories to search for pod files. C<perl -V:privlib -V:sitelib -V:scriptdir> are in there by default. =item pod2html A hashref, with options to pass to L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html>. Only the following L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html> options are allowed (the rest are either automagically generated or not available): $self->{pod2html}{backlink} $self->{pod2html}{css} $self->{pod2html}{quiet} $self->{pod2html}{header} $self->{pod2html}{verbose} $self->{pod2html}{flush} # valid only on 1st run only # good idea after uninstalling B<BEWARE> the css option. Any filename you pass to css should reside in $self->{outdir}, otherwise the css link won't be generated correctly. It has to be a relative link, meaning you can't do my $pM = new Pod::Master({ pod2html { css => 'F:/foo/bar.css', }, outdir => 'G:/baz', }); and expect it to work. =back =cut sub new { my( $class, $options ) = @_; my $self = ref $options eq 'HASH' ? $options : {}; $self->{boiler} ||= 0; $self->{verbose} ||= 0; $self->{overwrite} ||= 0; $self->{outdir} ||= $InstallHtmlDir || catdir($InstallPrefix,"h +tml"); $self->{outdir} = canonpath $self->{outdir}; $self->{pod2html} ||= { css => 'podmaster.css', backlink => '__top', quiet => 1, verbose => 0, header =>1, flush =>0, }; $self->{path} = [ grep{'.' ne $_ } $PrivLib, $SiteLib, $ScriptDir, exists $self->{path} ? @{$self->{path}} : () ]; return bless $self, $class; } =head2 C<Update> The only exported function. Takes a single optional argument, which it passes to L<new|"new">. Unless invoked as a method, creates a new Pod::Master object. Subsequently invokes L<"UpdatePOD"> and L<"UpdateTOC">. If you have ActivePerl::DocTools, you may wish to invoke it as C<Update({outdir=E<gt>'C:/PodMasterHtmlPod/'})> =cut sub Update { my( $self ) = @_; $self = __PACKAGE__->new($self) if not defined $self or not UNIVERSAL::isa($self,__PACKAGE__); $self->UpdatePOD(); $self->UpdateTOC(); return $self; } =head2 C<UpdatePOD> Runs pod2html for every pod file found whose .html equivalent is missing, or outdated (modify time). Takes a single optional argument, a true value (1), which forces pod2html to be run on all pod files. Default agrument is taken from C<$$self{overwrite}> =cut sub UpdatePOD { my($self, $overwrite ) = @_; $overwrite = $self->{overwrite} unless defined $overwrite; $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules}; chdir $InstallPrefix or die "can't chdir to $InstallPrefix $!"; print "chdir'ed to $InstallPrefix\n" if $self->{verbose}; my $libPods = 'perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlopt:perlapi:p +erlxs'; my $BackLink = $self->{pod2html}{backlink}; my $css = $self->{pod2html}{css} || "podmaster.css"; my $p2quiet = $self->{pod2html}{quiet}; my $p2header = $self->{pod2html}{header}; my $p2verbose = $self->{pod2html}{verbose}; my $p2flush = $self->{pod2html}{flush}; $self->{pod2html}{flush}=0 if $self->{pod2html}{flush}; my $PodPath = join ':', map{ s{\Q$InstallPrefix\E}{}; canonpath("./$_"); } @{$self->{path}}; #($ScriptDir,$PrivLib,$SiteLib); print "podpath = $PodPath\n" if $self->{verbose}; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; for my $What (qw( PerlDoc Pragmas Scripts Modules )) { print "processing $What \n" if $self->{verbose}; while( my( $name, $InFile ) = each %{$self->{$What}}) { # my $RelPath = abs2rel( catdir( (splitpath$InFile)[1,2] ), + $InstallPrefix ); my $RelPath = $self->_RelPath( $InFile, $InstallPrefix ); my $HtmlRoot = catdir map { $_ ? '..' : $_ } splitdir((spl +itpath$RelPath)[1]); my $OutFile = catdir $OutDir, $RelPath; $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; my $HtmlDir = catdir( ( splitpath($OutFile) )[0,1] ); my @args = ( "--htmldir=$HtmlDir", "--htmlroot=$HtmlRoot", "--podroot=.", "--podpath=$PodPath", "--infile=$InFile", "--outfile=$OutFile", "--libpods=$libPods", "--css=".catdir($HtmlRoot, $css), "--cachedir=$OutDir", $p2header ? "--header" : (), $BackLink ? "--backlink=$BackLink" : (), ( $p2quiet ? "--quiet" : () ), ( $p2verbose ? "--verbose" : () ), ( $p2flush ? "--flush" : () ), ); $p2flush = 0 if $p2flush; # first run only if( $overwrite ) { print "forced overwrite" if $self->{verbose}; mkpath($HtmlDir); $self->pod2html( @args ); }elsif($self->_AmIOlderThanYou($InFile,$OutFile)){ print "out of sync" if $self->{verbose}; mkpath($HtmlDir); $self->pod2html( @args ); } } } return $self; } =begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_AmIOlderThanYou> Takes 2 filenames ( C<$in,$out>). Returns 1 if $in is older than $out, or $in doesn't exist. Returns 0 otherwise. =end ForInternalUseOnly =cut sub _AmIOlderThanYou { my($self, $in, $out ) = @_; return 1 if not -e $in or (stat $in)[9] > (stat $out)[9] ; return 0; } =head2 C<UpdateTOC> Refreshes the MasterTOC (podmaster.toc.html). Takes 1 argument, C<$ret>, a boolean, and if it's true, returns the MasterTOC as string. Re-Creates podmaster.frame.html and podmaster.css if they're missing, but only if C<$ret> is false. The standard css is contained in C<$MasterCSS>, and it is printed if C<$$self{css}> isn't defined. C<$self->_Frame> contains the frameset to be printed. =cut sub UpdateTOC { # eval q[use ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML::Podmaster; ActivePerl +::DocTools::TOC::HTML::Podmaster::WriteTOC() ]; my($self, $ret ) = @_; $ret ||=0; $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules}; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; chdir $OutDir or die "can't chdir to $OutDir $!"; print "chdir'ed to $OutDir\n" if $self->{verbose}; my $MasterTOC = 'podmaster.toc.html'; my $MasterFrame = 'podmaster.frame.html'; unless($ret){ open(OUT,">$MasterTOC") or die "Couldn't clobber $MasterTOC $! +"; print "outputting html to $MasterTOC\n" if $self->{verbose}; print OUT $self->_TOC(); close OUT; print "done\n" if $self->{verbose}; }else{ return $self->_TOC(); } my $MasterCss = $self->{pod2html}{css}; if(not -e $MasterCss and $MasterCss =~ /podmaster\.css/){ $MasterCss = catdir $OutDir, $MasterCss; open(OUT,">$MasterCss") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterCss $! +"; print "Refreshing $MasterCss " if $self->{verbose}; print OUT $MasterCSS; ## Oouh, case sensitivity ;^) close(OUT); } open(OUT,">$MasterFrame") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterFrame $! +"; print "Refreshing $MasterFrame " if $self->{verbose}; print OUT $self->_Frame($MasterTOC); close(OUT); return ($self); } sub _TOC { my( $self ) = @_; return join '', $self->Header(), $self->PerlDoc(), $self->Pragmas(), $self->Scripts(), $self->Modules(), $self->Footer(); } =head2 C<MiniTOC> Like C<UpdateTOC> except it writes to C<podmaster.minitoc.html>. =cut sub MiniTOC { my( $self ) = @_; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules}; chdir $OutDir or die " can't chdir to $OutDir $!"; open(OUT,">podmaster.minitoc.html") or die "oops podmaster.minitoc +.html $!"; print OUT $self->Header(); print OUT q[ <div class="likepre"> <form method=get action="" name=f> <input type="text" name="query" value="" size=36 > <input type="submit" value="CPAN Search"> in <select name="mode"><option value="all">All</option> <option value="module" >Modules</option> <option value="dist" >Distributions</option> <option value="author" >Authors</option> </select> </form> <hr> <a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.perldoc.html">Perl Core Document +ation</a><br> <a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.pragmas.html">Pragmas</a><br> <a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.scripts.html">Perl Programs</a>< +br> <a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.modules.html">Installed Modules< +/a><br> <hr> go to <a target=_self href='podmaster.toc.html'>toc</a>(the big one) </div> ]; print OUT $self->Footer(); close OUT; open(OUT,'>podmaster.miniframe.html') or die "oops podmaster.minif +rame.html $!"; print OUT $self->_Frame('podmaster.minitoc.html'); close OUT; my $MasterCss = $self->{pod2html}{css}; $MasterCss = catdir $OutDir, $MasterCss; if(not -e $MasterCss and $MasterCss eq 'podmaster.css'){ open(OUT,">$MasterCss") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterCss $! +"; print "Refreshing $MasterCss " if $self->{verbose}; print OUT $MasterCSS; ## Oouh, case sensitivity ;^) close(OUT); } for my $f (qw( PerlDoc Pragmas Scripts Modules ) ) { open(OUT,">podmaster.\L$f.html") or die "oops podmaster.\L$_.h +tml $!"; print OUT $self->Header(); print OUT "back to <a TARGET=_self href='podmaster.minitoc.htm +l'>minitoc</a> <br>"; print OUT $self->$f(); print OUT $self->Footer(); close OUT; } return $self; } =begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_FindEmPods> Invokes C<Pod::Find::pod_find()> and stores the results as $self->{PerlDoc} = \%Perldoc; $self->{Pragmas} = \%Pragmas; $self->{Modules} = \%Modules; $self->{Scripts} = \%Scripts; =end ForInternalUseOnly =cut sub _FindEmPods { my( $self ) = @_; my( %Perldoc, %Pragmas, %Scripts, %Modules); my @BINC = map { canonpath($_) } @{$self->{path}}; # Must be canon +ical!!! print "BINC= @BINC \n" if $self->{verbose}; my @PodList = pod_find( { -verbose => 0, -perl => 0, -inc => 0, # both -inc and -script automatically turn on +-perl -script =>0,# this is NOT ****ING DOCUMENTED and cost me a +n HOUR }, # must complain to perl5porters to document o +r remove @BINC, ); for( my $ix = 0; $ix < $#PodList; $ix+=2 ) { my( $filename, $modulename ) = @PodList[$ix,$ix+1]; $filename = canonpath( $filename ); print "$filename\n" if $self->{verbose}; # perl pragmas are named all lowercase # and as of Mon Nov 4 2002, no pragma has a matching .pod file # Characters such as the following are not pragmas: # cgi_to_mod_perl # lwpcook # mod_perl # mod_perl_cvs # mod_perl_method_handlers # mod_perl_traps # mod_perl_tuning # perlfilter if( $modulename =~ /^[Pp]od::(perl[a-z\d]*)/ ) { $Perldoc{$1} = $filename; }elsif( $filename =~ /^\Q$ScriptDir/i) { $Scripts{$modulename} = $filename; }elsif($modulename =~ /^([a-z:\d]+)$/ and ( substr($filename,-4) ne '.pod' or $1 eq 'perllocal' ) ){ $Pragmas{$1} = $filename; }else{ $Modules{$modulename} = $filename; } } $self->{PerlDoc} = \%Perldoc; $self->{Pragmas} = \%Pragmas; $self->{Modules} = \%Modules; $self->{Scripts} = \%Scripts; return $self; } =begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_RelPath> Takes 2 absolute paths ( C<$file,$base>). Returns a absolutely relative path from C<$base> to C<$file> =end ForInternalUseOnly =cut sub _RelPath { goto &_RelPathForNewerFileSpec if File::Spec->VERSION >= 0.84; goto &_RelPathForOlderFileSpec ; } sub _RelPathForNewerFileSpec { my($self, $file, $base ) = @_; return abs2rel($file,$base); } sub _RelPathForOlderFileSpec { my($self, $file, $base ) = @_; return abs2rel( catdir( (splitpath $file )[1,2] ), $base ); } # idea care of ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC # this crap be maintained manually (i'll fix this); use vars qw( @PodOrdering ); @PodOrdering = qw( perl perlintro perlfaq perltoc perlbook __ perlsyn perldata perlop perlsub perlfunc perlreftut perlds +c perlrequick perlpod perlpodspec perlstyle perltrap __ perlrun perldiag perllexwarn perldebtut perldebug __ perlvar perllol perlopentut perlretut perlpacktut __ perlre perlref __ perlform __ perlboot perltoot perltootc perlobj perlbot perltie __ perlipc perlfork perlnumber perlthrtut perlothrtut __ perlport perllocale perluniintro perlunicode perlebcdic __ perlsec __ perlmod perlmodlib perlmodinstall perlmodstyle perlnewmod __ perlfaq1 perlfaq2 perlfaq3 perlfaq4 perlfaq5 perlfaq6 perlfaq7 perlfaq8 perlfaq9 __ perlcompile __ perlembed perldebguts perlxstut perlxs perlclib perlguts perlcall perlutil perlfilter perldbmfilter perlapi perlintern perlapio perliol perltodo perlhack __ perlhist perldelta perl572delta perl571delta perl570delta perl561delta perl56delta perl5005delta perl5004delta __ perlapollo perlaix perlamiga perlbeos perlbs2000 perlce perlcygwin perldos perlepoc perlfreebsd perlhpux perlhurd perlirix perlmachten perlmacos perlmint perlmpeix perlnetware perlplan9 perlos2 perlos390 perlqnx perlsolaris perltru64 perluts perlvmesa perlvms perlvos perlwin32 ); =head1 Subclassing If you wish to change the way the MasterTOC looks, subclass C<Pod::Master> and override the following methods. =head3 C<Header> B<Returns> a header ( in this case html). Takes 1 argument, which defaults to L<C<$$self{boiler}>|"new">. If it's true, and you are using ActivePerl ( C<$Config{cf_by} eq 'ActiveState'> ), then the standard boiler from the ActivePerl documentation will be printed as well (links to the ActivePerl FAQ and stuff). This is all asuming you have C<ActivePerl::DocTools> installed. =cut sub Header { my( $self, $boiler) = @_; $boiler ||= $self->{boiler}; my $ret = q[ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Perl User Guide - Table of Contents (according to Pod::Master)< +/title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" href="podmaster.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <h1>Table of Contents</h1> <base target="PerlDoc"> ]; $ret.= "<!-- generated ".scalar(gmtime())." by Pod::Master -->\n"; if( $boiler and $Config{cf_by} eq 'ActiveState' and eval q{require ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML} ){ $ret.= ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML->boiler_links()."</div> +"; } return $ret; } =head3 C<PerlDoc> B<Returns> the "Perl Core Documentation" part of the toc. Uses C<@Pod::Master::PodOrdering> to do the neato topicalization of the core pod (inspired by ActivePerl::DocTools). Accounts for all the Pod::perl files released up to perl-5.8.0. =cut sub PerlDoc { my $self = shift; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{PerlDoc}; my %PerlDoc = %{$self->{PerlDoc}}; my $ret = "<h4>Perl Core Documentation</h4>"; for my $item(@PodOrdering) { if($item eq "__") { $ret .= "<br>"; }elsif( exists $PerlDoc{$item} ) { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath($PerlDoc{$item}, $InstallPre +fix ); delete $PerlDoc{$item}; $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; $ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>]; } } $ret .= "<br>"; # In case we have unknown docs, but we shouldn't for my $item(keys %PerlDoc) { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath($PerlDoc{$item}, $InstallPrefix +); delete $PerlDoc{$item}; $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; $ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>]; } return $ret; } =head3 C<Scripts> B<Returns> the "Perl Programs" part of the toc. =cut sub Scripts { my $self = shift; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Scripts}; my $ret = "<h4>Perl Programs</h4>"; for my $item(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Scripts}}) { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Scripts}->{$item}, $Ins +tallPrefix); $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; # fsck MOZILLA HAS ISSUES WITH THIS (MOR +ONS) $ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>]; } return $ret; } =head3 C<Pragmas> B<Returns> the "Pragmas" part of the toc. =cut sub Pragmas { my $self = shift; my $OutDir = $self->{outdir}; my $ret = "<h4>Pragmas</h4>"; for my $item(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Pragmas}}) { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Pragmas}->{$item}, $Ins +tallPrefix); $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; $ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>]; } return $ret; } sub pod2html { my($self, @args ) = @_; print join"\n","\n",@args,"\n" if $self->{verbose}; Pod::Html::pod2html(@args); } =head3 C<Modules> B<Returns> the I<oh-so-pretty> "Installed Modules" part of the toc, that looks something like (note the links won't work, and you'll need a css capable browser): =begin html <blockquote> <!-- blockquote not really here --> <style type="text/css"> .blend { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <h4>Installed Modules</h4> &nbsp;<A href="site/lib/Apache.html">Apache</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/AuthDB +I.html">::AuthDBI</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/Build. +html">::Build</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/Consta +nts.html">::Constants</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/ +ml">::CVS</a><br> &nbsp;<A href="site/lib/Bundle/Apache.html">Bundle::Apache</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/Apache +Test.html">::ApacheTest</a><br>&nbsp;<A href="site/lib/Bundle/DBD/mys +ql.html">Bundle::DBD::mysql</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/ +ml">::DBI</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/ +ml">::LWP</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBD</span><a href="site/lib/DBD/Proxy.html"> +::Proxy</a><br>&nbsp;<A href="site/lib/DBI.html">DBI</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/Changes.html +">::Changes</a><br> &nbsp;<A href="site/lib/DBI/Const/GetInfo/ANSI.html">DBI::Const::GetIn +fo::ANSI</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBI::Const::GetInfo</span><a href="site/lib/ +DBI/Const/GetInfo/ODBC.html">::ODBC</a><br> &nbsp;<A href="site/lib/DBI/Const/GetInfoReturn.html">DBI::Const::GetI +nfoReturn</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBI::Const</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/Const +/GetInfoType.html">::GetInfoType</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/DBD.html">:: +DBD</a><br> &nbsp;<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/FAQ.html">:: +FAQ</a><br> </blockquote> =end html In the above example, you can now search for 'Bundle::DBI' and find it. You can also search for 'E<32>DBI' (note the space prefix) and find it +. If you only search for 'DBI', you'll find 'Apache::AuthDBI' followed by 'Bundle::DBI' until you get to DBI. Don't you just love Pod::Master ? =cut sub Modules { my $self = shift; my $ret = "<h4>Installed Modules</h4>"; my %seen = (); $self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules}; my %Modules = %{$self->{Modules}}; for my $key(keys %Modules) { my @chunks = split /::/, $key; my $chunk = shift@chunks; $seen{$chunk}=1; while(@chunks){ $chunk.= '::'.shift @chunks; $seen{$chunk}=1; } $seen{$key}=1; } for my $key(keys %seen) { unless(exists $Modules{$key} ) { $Modules{$key} = undef; } } # printf("%-70.70s = %-5.5s\n",$_,$Modules{$_}) for(sort{lc($a)cmp +lc($b)} keys %Modules);die; my($oldLetter, $newLetter ) = ('a','a'); my($oldD,$newD) = (0,0); for my $modulename(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %seen) { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $Modules{$modulename}, $Install +Prefix); $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; $oldLetter = $newLetter; $newLetter = lc substr $modulename, 0, 1; if($oldLetter ne $newLetter ) { $ret.=qq[\n&nbsp;<hr>\n]; } =for NoUse $oldD = $newD; $newD = () = $modulename =~ /::/g; $ret.='&nbsp;<br>' if $newD == 0 and 0 != $oldD; =cut if( not defined $Modules{$modulename}) { if( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ ) { $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;<span class="blend">$1</span>::$2<br> ]; } else { $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;$modulename<br> ]; } }elsif( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ ) { $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;<span class="blend">$1</span><a href="$OutFile">::$2</a><br> ]; } else { $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;<A href="$OutFile">$modulename</a><br> ]; } } return $ret; } sub ModulesOriginal { my $self = shift; my $ret = "<h4>Installed Modules</h4>"; my %seen = (); for my $modulename(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Modules}}) + { my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Modules}->{$modulename} +, $InstallPrefix); $OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; if( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ and $seen{$1}) { # $modu +lename =~ /::/ and $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;<span class="blend">$1</span><a href="$OutFile">::$2</a><br> ]; } else { $seen{$1}++ if $1; # wasn't seen, so we sees it now $ret .= qq[ &nbsp;<A href="$OutFile">$modulename</a><br> ]; } $seen{$modulename}++; # of course we gots to see the module } return $ret; } =head3 C<Footer> B<Returns> a footer ( in this case, closing body and html tags ) =cut sub Footer {q[ </body></html> ]; } =head1 BUGS C<Pod::Find> version 0.22 is buggy. It will not find files in C<perl -V:scriptdir>. I've sent in a patch, but maybe I ought to distribute a copy. If you run L<Pod::Checker|Pod::Checker> on this document, you may get a few warnings like: *** WARNING: line containing nothing but whitespace The L<SYNOPSIS|"SYNOPSIS"> generates these, but don't it look pretty (I think a single code block is better than 3, for a single example). =head1 AUTHOR D.H. <> =head1 LICENSE copyright (c) D.H. 2002 All rights reserved. This program is released under the same terms as perl itself. If you don't know what that means, visit or execute C<perl -v> at a commandline (assuming you have perl install +ed). =cut $MasterCSS = <<'MASTERCSS'; /* for the MasterTOC modules list */ .blend { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline; } /* standard elements */ body { background: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 70%; } td { font-size: 70%; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } input { font-size: 12px; } select { font-size: 12px; } p { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; padding-left: 1em; } p.code { padding-left: .1em; } .likepre { font-size: 120%; border: 1px groove #006000; background: #EEFFCC; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; white-space: pre; } blockquote { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } dl { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } dt { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; padding-left: 2em; } ul { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } li { font-size: 110%; } ol { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } h1 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #006000; /* color: #19881D; */ } h2 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: #006000; /* background-color: #EAE2BB; */ background-color: #D9FFAA; } h3 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #006000; border-left: 0.2em solid darkGreen; padding-left: 0.5em; } h4 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color: #006000; background: #ffffff; border: 1px groove black; padding: 2px, 0px, 2px, 1em; } pre { font-size: 120%; /* background: #EEFFCC; background: #CCFFD9; */ border: 1px groove #006000; background: #EEFFCC; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; white-space: pre; } hr { border: 1px solid #006000; } tt { font-size: 120%; } code { font-size: 120%; background: #EEFFEE; border: 0px solid black; padding: 0px, 4px, 0px, 4px; } kbd { font-size: 120%; } /* default links */ a:link { /* color: #B82619; */ color: #00525C; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { /* color: #80764F; */ color: #80764F; text-decoration: underline; } a:hover { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; } a:active { /* color: #B82619; */ color: #00525C; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } /* crap */ td.block { font-size: 10pt; /* background: #EAE2BB; background: #4EBF51; background: #97EB97; background: #D3FF8C; background: #AED9B1; background: #AEFFB1; background: #BBEAC8; background: #94B819; */ background: #D9FFAA; color: #006000; border: 1px dotted #006000; font-weight: bold; } MASTERCSS sub _Frame { my($self, $toc ) = @_; $toc ||= 'podmaster.toc.html'; my $Initial = $self->{PerlDoc}{perl}; # my $Initial = catdir $self->{outdir}, $self->_RelPath( $Initial, + $InstallPrefix ); $Initial = $self->_RelPath( $Initial, $InstallPrefix ); $Initial =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html}; $Initial =~ y[\\][/]; return qq[ <HTML> <HEAD> <title>Perl User Guide (according to Pod::Master)</title> </HEAD> <FRAMESET cols="320,*"> <FRAME name="TOC" src="$toc" target="PerlDoc"> <FRAME name="PerlDoc" src="$Initial"> <NOFRAMES> <H1>Sorry!</H1> <H3>This page must be viewed by a browser that is capable of viewing + frames.</H3> </NOFRAMES> </FRAMESET> <FRAMESET> </FRAMESET> </HTML>]; } 1; # just in case i screwed up

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