•Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by merlyn (Sage) on Mar 04, 2004 at 00:18 UTC
You forgot:
In beep mode, no matter what character you try to press, vim beeps at you. Beginners enter this mode all the time; experts enter it only once every few minutes. Entering beep mode is nearly always unintentional; exiting beep mode is usually just as accidental. If you work in an office, and use vim, you should consider reducing the volume of your machine, or getting a set of headphones so as not to annoy the emacs users nearby.
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# beepoff turns off the beep
# Console
setterm -blength 0
# X
xset b off
# Optional for Emacs users
# find / -name '*emacs*' -exec rm -f {} \;
/me laughs maniacally. (!!!!!, no less)
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- find / -name '*emacs*' -exec rm -f {} \;
+ find / -name '*emacs*' -print | perl -nle unlink
there could be a lot of emacs files on there..
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Mar 04, 2004 at 01:14 UTC
You forgot a number of very important commands and distinctions:
- vi's regex language is very different than Perl's. It's much more akin to the shell command grep's. Specifically, there is no + and you only have back-references.
- Aliases:
- Colon Mode:
- :x is :wq
- :NN moves you to the NNth line. :$ moves you to the bottom of the file.
- :!asdf executes asdf in the shell.
- :map X asdfasdf will map the key X to the key sequence asdfasdf. These are macros, to be used in Nav Mode. My favorites are:
- v - :!perl -wc %^V^M (That's Ctrl-V, Ctrl-M.) - compile the current file in Perl.
- V - :!%^V^M - Execute the current file.
- q - :e #^V^M - Switch you to the last buffer. (Read up if you want to know what these are.)
- Nav Mode
- 0 is ^
- z-z moves the screen to center on your line. z-Enter moves the screen so that your line is on the top. (There's on that does it for the bottom, but I never remember it.)
- o inserts a new line below where you are and puts you in Insert Mode at the beginning of it. O does it for above.
- w goes the beginning of the next word. b to the prior. e to the end of the current word.
- J takes the next line and puts it at the end of the current line.
The reason to use vi is that, once you understand it, it's is extremely efficient to edit in. I found that my productivity in sheer editing is almost as fast as I think. (Which, granted, isn't that fast, but still!)
We are the carpenters and bricklayers of the Information Age.
Please remember that I'm crufty and crochety. All opinions are purely mine and all code is untested, unless otherwise specified.
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Good post... a minor nit, though. You can use + in Vim regexes, but you have to precede it with a backslash. Vim regexes and Perl regexes are not the same (knowing when to use backslashes often throws me off), but I think they're much more similar than they are different.
-- Mike
XML::Simpler does not require XML::Parser or a SAX parser.
It does require File::Slurp.
-- grantm, perldoc XML::Simpler
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[root@devel3 root]# cat /usr/bin/re
die "Usage re [RE]\nFull Perl grep on STDIN\n" unless @ARGV == 1;
my $re = qr/$ARGV[0]/;
while(<STDIN>) {
print if m/$re/;
[root@devel3 root]# cat /usr/bin/re!
die "Usage re [RE]\nFull Perl grep on STDIN\n" unless @ARGV == 1;
my $re = qr/$ARGV[0]/;
while(<STDIN>) {
print if ! m/$re/;
[root@devel3 root]# cat some.file | re "some perl re"
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by atcroft (Abbot) on Mar 04, 2004 at 01:04 UTC
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by Caron (Friar) on Mar 04, 2004 at 07:53 UTC
Don't forget that, if your Vim is compiled with Perl support, you can edit your files with Perl syntax directly.
For example, instead of
You may say
:%perldo s/(\d+)abc/$1/
See Editing features for advanced users for more tips.
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on Mar 04, 2004 at 14:48 UTC
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Yep, this is where I jump right in and say that I was taught and believe that vi has 2 modes, command and insert. In command mode you have an ed sub mode (:). In command mode you can use the / or ? command to search. The only reason I would use /usr/bin/vi would be an emergency.
On the positive side I wish there had been a web tutorial like this when I was cursing and crying in front of the beeping flashing monster with the intimidating tilde teeth. (they really do look like teeth on a HP-Term in a panic trying to figure out how to use it to do homework.) That was when I learned about O'Reilly.
Update: Fixed 2 typos
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by flyingmoose (Priest) on Mar 04, 2004 at 17:33 UTC
A few thoughts/observations/comments on vi in general, for anyone scared about it or debating not learning it.
- vi/vim is cool because it is everywhere. If you walk up to some obscure ancient UNIX box, probably all it will have is vi. This means your editor (pico, nano, emacs, etc) -- will not exist. This is life.
- Enjoy the simple speedups like :/foo/ to search for foo, or :520 to go to line 520, or ":set nu" to show line numbers, or ":$" to jump to EOF. In most GUI tools (nedit, SlickEdit, etc) you'd have to expend far more calories to make these things happen. In more primative tools (pico, nano, etc) some of these things require far more keystrokes and some of them aren't even doable.
- There greatest thing about vi/vim is you don't have to leave the keyboard and everything can be typed very quickly. This minimizes wrist strain (especially with mises) or finger-cramps-or-breakage (Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift) in EMACS.
- For those using pico, nano, consider yourself being taunted and envision yourself riding a bike with training wheels. Endeavor to be cool like the other kids.
- You might have tried "vi" and had problems. Maybe the arrow keys were unsupported, maybe backspace was broken. You'll find vim is vastly superior to old-schoool vi. You still launch vim with "vi", but it's less broken. Scream in terror when you approach a SCO box and it has "vi" and not "vim". Consider upgrading however possible.
- there are oodles of commands and options. You don't need to learn them all. insert mode will take you far, you don't need all of them -- especially when using vim (AIOCS).
- There is no escape from beep mode. -- and merlyn, on my laptop, the infernal thing beeps using my PC speaker. -- you should treat beep mode as shock training. It's annoying you because you did something wrong, and it is encouraging you to type valid commands so you don't sound stupid in front of your other friends. Yep, beep mode is a good thing -- and it will make you faster through subconcious training
- If you encounter any EMACS zealots while complaining about vi, they are there to convert you, so you should run away as fast as possible. Tell them EMACS would be for you if only you had twenty fingers. Or maybe "EMACS is a great operating system, but it really needs a good text editor".
- run :h holy-grail when you get a chance and see the nine-billion options
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psst...you weren't supposed to tell them that. No, seriously, for newbies I think the bells are good instructional aids. I used to want them off, but they seem to be helping. I would only turn them if covertly coding in the bushes (say you are on a sting operation and have to take notes) and you don't want anyone to know where you are hiding.
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Or do it in your terminal... I use xterms on Solaris (/usr/openwin/bin/xset -b)
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by diotalevi (Canon) on Mar 04, 2004 at 00:55 UTC
So what am I doing to get into merlyn's beep mode? I'd end up there all the time when I tried using vim and if I hit escape enough times ( which was always more than I thought I had to - I think six or seven times was about right ) I'd get back to "nav" mode. Heck, nano is nicer than that!I also never figured out how to backspace a newline off and had to resort to typing everything from the next line onto the end of the previous line again because newlines at the end can't be deleted. Also, also, really long lines just truncate (visually only, mind you) so I'd have to cursor over to see the entire thing and only the bit that fit into the 80 character window. So why is this so popular anyway? A late addition... I had another thought - is this like Umberto Eco's intention with the first two hundred pages of The Name of the Rose? I recall it was something along the lines of keeping all the readers who weren't willing to slog through two hundred pages of book just to get to the good bits out. Is that vim's mode? | [reply] |
So why is this so popular anyway?
Because it's extremely fast and powerful once you know what you're doing. I can edit at least 3-5 times as quickly using Vim as anything else I've tried. Maybe more, I haven't benchmarked it. :-)
And with Vim just about everything is customizable so if you don't like the way something works by default, you can configure it how you want it. For example, your truncated lines example: use :set wrap and presto, line-wrapping. And the help documentation (:help) in Vim is very good. It's how I've learned almost everything I know about Vim.
Oh, and for getting rid of newlines between lines, I think you were missing the 'J' command (join two lines). Or maybe :set backspace=eol, which allows you to backspace over newlines in Insert mode.
-- Mike
XML::Simpler does not require XML::Parser or a SAX parser.
It does require File::Slurp.
-- grantm, perldoc XML::Simpler
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I also never figured out how to backspace a newline off
Ah INSERT MODE backspace key works for me and will backspace you to the begining of the file if you hold it down long enough.... Here is your post after I did G A Backspace + Hold it down and wait.....
-- INSERT --
J will join lines ie remove newlines too. J will remove the newline at the end of the cursor line effectively joining the next line to it.....
As noted in NAV mode DEL deletes stuff. BACKSPACE just works like left arrow or h and navigates you. GOK!
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Ah INSERT MODE backspace key works for me and will backspace you to the begining of the file if you hold it down long enough
It'll backspace over line breaks if you "set backspace=eol".
I have backspace set to "indent, eol, start" in my .vimrc. indent allows me to backspace over autoindented lines, eol allows backspacing over line breaks, and start allows backspacing past the starting insertion point.
<sarcasm>A list of all available options can be found with the obvious and intuitive command ":he Q_op"</sarcasm>, in case a vi/vim beginner is looking.
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I thought it was funny and a bit sad that "ESC ESC ESC" was mentioned in the vi tutorial. The only advantage of "ESC ESC ESC" over "ESC" is that it beeps at you after exiting insert mode.
You enter "beep mode" by typing ESC (an odd number of times) when you aren't in insert mode (but this doesn't happen to me since I use a Real® OS where function keys don't send ESC sequences).
If you type ESC, then there is a pause while vi waits to see if it is the start of an escape sequence or is just a plain ESC. If you type something else during this period, vi looks if the sequence is an ESC sequence for a function key (or other special key), probably finds that it isn't, and so then processes the ESC as a single keystroke (which produces a beep since there is no function for ESC when in 'nav mode').
So beep mode is caused by people hitting ESC *one* too many times and then cycling through hitting ESC more times to try to figure out what mode they are in. If you simply wait several seconds, the beep mode passes.
Note also that any vi produced in the last decade can show you when you are in insert mode so you don't have to hit ESC trying to figure out whether you are in insert mode or not.
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by halley (Prior) on Mar 09, 2004 at 17:30 UTC
I use vi when root or remote, emacs for anything else. And that's the way I've used Un*x computers for nearly two decades, so it's not likely I'll change any time soon.
Technical documentation note: you started talking about NNmove in the middle of a paragraph, and leave it up to the user to infer that NN represents some decimal number typed as digits. New general concepts deserve careful introduction.
Start a paragraph with something like, "To do anything a number of times, such as move the cursor eleven lines, just precede the usual command with a number; typing "1 1 k" is equivalent to typing "kkkkkkkkkkk" while in nav mode.
-- [ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by nimdokk (Vicar) on Mar 04, 2004 at 16:41 UTC
This could be useful, might have to point some folks here at work to it for learning vi a bit more. It can drive me nuts somedays watching my co-workers use vi and do stuff the long way when there is a shortcut that will get them there faster. You just can't teach a rhino to dance, it wastes your time and annoys the rhino, and no one likes an annoyed rhino ;-)
"Ex Libris un Peut de Tout"
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 04, 2004 at 16:44 UTC
Bill Joy, Creater or VI interview cirta 1984:
REVIEW: What is it that Interleaf offers you that EMACS doesn't?
JOY: I can just look at my screen, and when I print it off, it's the same as it looks on the screen. It is formatted, and I'm tired of using vi. I get really bored. There have been many nights when I've fallen asleep at the keyboard trying to make a release. At least now I can fall asleep with a mouse in my hand. I use the Xerox optica mouse instead of the other one because it is color coordinated with my office. Did you notice? I prefer the white mouse to the black mouse. You've got to have some fun, right?
This business of using the same editor for 10 years - it's like living in the same place for 10 years. None of us does it. Everyone moves once a year, right?
citation: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~kirkenda/joy84.html
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by runrig (Abbot) on Mar 04, 2004 at 18:41 UTC
I've been doing all of my 'on the fly' SQL in vim or vi. On Windows, I use this in vim, and on AIX (where currently there is only vi installed, and I only access Informix databases), I use a different shortcut to send SQL to Informix's 'dbaccess'. For the vi version, I use the following two statements in my .exrc file (and they say perl is line noise :-) : map #1 ma/^}/^M:?^{?,.t.^Mk:?^{?+1,.!dbvi^M'a
map #2 ma:/^{/;/^}/d^M'a
I have a shell script named 'dbvi' (which filters the input before sending it to dbaccess or elsewhere), and when the cursor is in any block delimited by braces, it sends the contents of the block to the shell script, and the results appear following the current block. E.g. Hitting F1 in the first block produces the next block:{
select * from some_table
<results of query>
Hitting F2 in the current block deletes the following block. I did have to mess with terminfo to get the F-keys to work. In the vim version, I open new windows, so I don't have to deal with this block stuff... | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by hesco (Deacon) on Jan 02, 2007 at 00:14 UTC
I made the switch to vim in 2003, maybe 2004 for its syntax highlighting. The last step was figuring out how to do cut and paste longer than a single line at a time (dd, p).
During the transition, I would close the file in vim, open it in nano for block moves, then return to vim. I called a friend who introduced me to my first shell and he helped me break my nano habit (except for a rare machine I've encountered where the J command did not work to kill the \n at the end of a line). He introduced me to markers. The m key will set a marker, named after the next letter you feed it. Go to the start of your block you want to move, type `ma`. Then move to the end of your block and use `d'a` and it will delete from the current position back to the marker you set. Move the cursor again and use the `p` key to paste your block where you want it.
I found this far less annoying than using `dd` and `p` to move one line at a time.
From a combination of nodes here, the vim website and elsewhere, I have now accumulated the following .vimrc file which creates a useful development environment for me. The first thing I do after being given shell access to a new server, right after changing my password, is to scp my .vimrc from my usual servers to the new environment.
My .vimrc follows:
I write nearly everything in vim these days, love letters, code, memos, reports. Between vim and mailx (catdoc, antiword, xpdf's pdftotext and munpack) I rarely need to leave a console. Perhaps a couple of times a month I'll open Abiword or OpenOffice to "pretty up" a document for printing. But I also once wrote a perl script to massage a plain text press release thorugh LaTeX into a pdf file, so I didn't have to open a gui editor just to distribute a press release (something I had to do several times a week in a previous job).
When I introduce new folks to a linux environment, as I'm telling them not to fear the shell prompt, I urge them to learn a text editor. I tell them that nano may be more intuitive and easier to learn (with its on screen menu), but that vim is far more powerful, that if they spend any time writing (as I do) that they will appreciate having mounted the learning curve.
By now I am so attuned to working in vim, that I sometimes find spurious :wq or i's in my documents composed in other editors or on webforms like this one.
-- Hugh
if( $lal && $lol ) { $life++; }
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by mikasue (Friar) on Apr 13, 2006 at 16:33 UTC
I must say that I read that Learning VI book and it wasn't nearly as informative as this tutorial! Thanks for writing it.
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Ahh, finally relief from errorbells. Below combo worked great for me for VIM 7.0 on Windows to stop audible bells and visual bells (screen flash):
set visualbell
set vb t_vb=
Now I can finally turn up my speaker volume and get audible reminders from Outlook and stop missing meetings!
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by zentara (Cardinal) on Mar 04, 2004 at 15:30 UTC
No matter how many times I tried to switch to vi/vim, I always come back to midnight commander's "mcedit".
I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
flash japh
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No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.
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Re: Learn vi/vim in 50 lines and 15 minutes
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 18, 2009 at 02:28 UTC
thank you for putting this online.
short and useful, great for quick start! | [reply] |