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by le (Friar)
on Oct 02, 2000 at 17:47 UTC ( [id://34900]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Lukas Ertl, <>
Description: This script takes a Unix Mailbox (in so-called Berkeley format), and generates several HTML files from it. (Just as many Mail-to-HTML programs do.)

The output looks almost like the one from hypermail.

Yeah, I know, you might say "Come on, this is mail2web no. 2365, who needs it?"... well I just did it for learning purposes. Maybe you can learn, too.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Time::Local;
use strict;

my $mbox = shift || "/home/lukas/mbox";
my $outputdir = shift || "/home/lukas/tmp/test";

my %monthmap = (
    Jan => 1,
    Feb => 2,
    Mar => 3,
    Apr => 4,
    May => 5,    
    Jun => 6,
    Jul => 7,
    Aug => 8,
    Sep => 9,
    Oct => 10,
    Nov => 11,
    Dec => 12

my %mails;


# Generate a HTML file for each email.
sub print_html {
    my $count = 1;

    for (sort { $mails{$a}->{date} <=> $mails{$b}->{date} } keys %mail
+s) {
#        warn "WARNING: overwriting $outputdir/mail$count.html\n" 
                                    #if (-f "$outputdir/mail$count.htm

        open HTML, "> $outputdir/mail$count.html" 
                    or die "Couldn't open $outputdir/mail$count.html: 

        my $html = qq(<html>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">

        <p align="center"><small>[ <a href="index.html#$count">thread<
+/a> | <a href="date.html#$count">date</a> | <a href="subject.html#$co
+unt">subject</a> | <a href="author.html#$count">author</a> ]</small><

        my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
        my $from = &html_escape($mails{$_}->{from});
        my $body = &html_escape($mails{$_}->{body});

        $html .= qq(
        <b>From:</b> $from<br>
        <b>Subject:</b> $mails{$_}->{subject}<br>
        <b>Date:</b> $date<br>
        <p align="center"><small>[ <a href="index.html#$count">thread<
+/a> | <a href="date.html#$count">date</a> | <a href="subject.html#$co
+unt">subject</a> | <a href="author.html#$count">author</a> ]</small><

        print HTML $html;
        close HTML;

        $mails{$_}->{html} = "mail$count.html";




# Generate the index files.
sub generate_index {

    my $countmsg = scalar keys %mails;

    # Sorted by thread.
    open INDEX, "> $outputdir/index.html" or die "Couldn't open $outpu
+tdir/index.html: $!\n";
    my $html = qq(<html>

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <p align="center">
        <b>$countmsg messages.</b><br>
        Ordered by thread.<br>
        <small>Order by [ <a href="date.html">date</a> | <a href="subj
+ect.html">subject</a> | <a href="author.html">author</a> ].</small>

    for (sort { $mails{$a}->{date} <=> $mails{$b}->{date} } keys %mail
+s) {
        next if $mails{$_}->{seen_thread};
        my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
        my $from = &strip_email($mails{$_}->{from});
        my $anchor = $mails{$_}->{'html'};
        $anchor =~ s/mail(\d+)\.html/$1/;
        $html .= qq|
            <li><b><a href="$mails{$_}->{'html'}">$mails{$_}->{'subjec
+t'}</a></b> <i><small><a name="$anchor">$from ($date)</a></small></i>


        $html .= &check_replies($_);


    $html .= qq(


    print INDEX $html;

    close INDEX;

    # Sorted by date.
    open DATE, "> $outputdir/date.html" 
                        or die "Couldn't open $outputdir/date.html: $!
    $html = qq(<html>

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <p align="center">
        <b>$countmsg messages.</b><br>
        Ordered by date.<br>
        <small>Order by [ <a href="index.html">thread</a> | <a href="s
+ubject.html">subject</a> | <a href="author.html">author</a> ].</small

    for (sort { $mails{$a}->{date} <=> $mails{$b}->{date} } keys %mail
+s) {
        my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
        my $from = &strip_email($mails{$_}->{from});
        my $anchor = $mails{$_}->{'html'};
        $anchor =~ s/mail(\d+)\.html/$1/;
        $html .= qq|
            <li><b><a href="$mails{$_}->{'html'}">$mails{$_}->{'subjec
+t'}</a></b> <i><small><a name="$anchor">$from ($date)</a></small></i>

    $html .= qq(


    print DATE $html;

    close DATE;

    # Sorted by subject.
    open SUBJECT, "> $outputdir/subject.html" 
                    or die "Couldn't open $outputdir/subject.html: $!\
    $html = qq(<html>

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <p align="center">
        <b>$countmsg messages.</b><br>
        Ordered by subject.<br>
        <small>Order by [ <a href="index.html">thread</a> | <a href="d
+ate.html">date</a> | <a href="author.html">author</a> ].</small>

    foreach my $mail (sort { lc $mails{$a}->{clean_subject} cmp lc $ma
+ils{$b}->{clean_subject} } keys %mails) {
        next if $mails{$mail}->{seen_subject};
        $html .= qq(
        foreach (keys %mails) {
            if ($mails{$_}->{clean_subject} eq $mails{$mail}->{clean_s
+ubject}) {
                my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
                my $from = &strip_email($mails{$_}->{from});
                my $anchor = $mails{$_}->{'html'};
                $anchor =~ s/mail(\d+)\.html/$1/;
                $html .= qq|
                <li><a href="$mails{$_}->{html}">$from</a> <small><i><
+a name="$anchor">($date)</a></i></small></a></li>
        $html .= "</ul>\n";

    $html .= qq(


    print SUBJECT $html;
    close SUBJECT;

    # Sorted by author
    open AUTHOR, "> $outputdir/author.html" 
                    or die "Couldn't open $outputdir/author.html: $!\n

        $html = qq(<html>

    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <p align="center">
        <b>$countmsg messages.</b><br>
        Ordered by author.<br>
        <small>Order by [ <a href="index.html">thread</a> | <a href="d
+ate.html">date</a> | <a href="subject.html">subject</a> ].</small>

    foreach my $mail (sort { lc $mails{$a}->{from} cmp lc $mails{$b}->
+{from} } keys %mails) {
        next if $mails{$mail}->{seen_author};
        my $from = &html_escape($mails{$mail}->{from});
        $html .= qq(
        foreach (keys %mails) {
            if ($mails{$mail}->{from} eq $mails{$_}->{from}) {
                my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
                my $anchor = $mails{$_}->{'html'};
                $anchor =~ s/mail(\d+)\.html/$1/;
                $html .= qq|
                <li><a href="$mails{$_}->{html}">$mails{$_}->{subject}
+</a> <small><i><a name="$anchor">($date)</a></i></small></a></li>
        $html .= "</ul>\n";

    print AUTHOR $html;

    close AUTHOR;

    $html .= qq(



# Recursive subroutine the check for replies.
sub check_replies {
    my $id = shift;
    my $html;

    $html = "<ul>\n";
    foreach (sort { $mails{$a}->{date} <=> $mails{$b}->{date} } keys %
+mails) {
        next if $_ eq $id;
        next unless $mails{$_}->{refs};
        next if $mails{$_}->{seen_thread};
        if ($mails{$_}->{refs} eq $id) {
            my $date = scalar localtime($mails{$_}->{date});
            my $from = &strip_email($mails{$_}->{from});
            my $anchor = $mails{$_}->{'html'};
            $anchor =~ s/mail(\d+)\.html/$1/;
            $html .= qq|
                <a name="$anchor"></a>
                <li><b><a href="$mails{$_}->{html}">$mails{$_}->{subje
+ct}</a></b> <i><small><a name="anchor">$from ($date)</a></small></i><
            $html .= &check_replies($_);
    $html .= "</ul>\n";

    return $html eq "<ul>\n</ul>\n" ? '' : $html;

# Beautify the output, create links of appropriate tags.
sub html_escape {
    my $thing = shift;

    $thing =~ s/</&lt;/g;
    $thing =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
    $thing =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
    $thing =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
    $thing =~ s!\b([-\w+.]+\@[-\w+.]+)\b!<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>!g;
    $thing =~ s!\b(https?://[-\w?&/.+]+)\b!<a href="$1"></a>!g;

    return $thing;

# Strip the email address
sub strip_email {
    my $original = shift;

    my ($email) = $original =~ m/\b<[-\w.]+\@[-\w.]+>\b/;
    $original =~ s/<.*>//;

    return $original ? $original : $email;

# Read in the mailbox file and generate the data structure.
sub read_mbox {

    # This will be our message container.
    my $current;

    # This indicates, that the last line was blank, initially set to t
    # so we can parse the first mail correctly.
    my $blank = 1;

    open MBOX, $mbox or die "Couldn't open mailbox $mbox: $!\n";

    while (<MBOX>) {

        # There was a blank line before, and this line looks like the 
        # of a new mail, so we need to take some action.
        if ($blank && /^From .*\d{4}$/) {

            # Save the message that we've parsed before (if there was 
            $mails{$current->{message_id}} = $current 
                                        if scalar keys %{$current};

            # Create a new container for this message.
            $current = {};

            # Set the blank line to zero.
            $blank = 0;

        # We're still in the header part, so we save some.
        } elsif (!$blank && /^From: (.*)/i) {
            my $from = $1;
            $from =~ s/"//g;
            $current->{from} = $from;

        } elsif (!$blank && /^Subject: (.*)/i) {
            $current->{subject} = $1;
            my $clean_subject = $1;
            $clean_subject =~ s/Re: (.*)/$1/i;
            $current->{clean_subject} = $clean_subject;

        } elsif (!$blank && /^Message-Id: (.*)/i) {
            $current->{message_id} = $1;

        } elsif (!$blank && /^Date: (.*)/) {
            $current->{date} = parsedate($1);
            warn "Could parse date: $!\n" unless $current->{date};

        } elsif (!$blank && /^(?:References|In-Reply-To): (<.+>)/i) {
            $current->{refs} = @{ [ split(/ /, $1) ] }[-1];

        # There was a blank line before, but it wasn't catched by the 
        # statement above, so it must be the message body.
        } elsif ($blank) {
            $current->{body} .= $_;

        # Aha, we have a blank line. This could've been the end of the
+ header.
        $blank = 1 if /^$/;

    close MBOX;

sub parsedate {
    my $date = shift;
#    print $date, "\n";
    my ($wday, $mday, $mon, $year, $time, $hrs, $min, $sec);

    if ($date =~ /^\d\d?\s/) {
        ($mday, $mon, $year, $time) = split(/ /, $date);
    } elsif ($date =~ /^\w{3},\s/) {
        ($wday, $mday, $mon, $year, $time) = split(/,?\s+/, $date);

    ($hrs, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $time);
    $mon = $monthmap{$mon};
    $year -= 1900;
    return timelocal($sec, $min, $hrs, $mday, $mon, $year);


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