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Re^4: top ten things every Perl hacker should know

by Your Mother (Archbishop)
on Mar 17, 2006 at 05:51 UTC ( [id://537392]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: top ten things every Perl hacker should know
in thread top ten things every Perl hacker should know

It's all right in front of you; in one sweep of your eye. The filtering, the modification, and the sorting (grep, map, sort, and maybe more). There aren't a couple sets of temporary variables and three or more bocks or subroutines to jump around and try to keep in your head at once. It's the same code condensed. I find it easier to read and much easier to debug.

So I do think the ST is a good example of elegance. I'm open to counter examples of what you consider Perl (not Python or Ruby of course!) elegance.

  • Comment on Re^4: top ten things every Perl hacker should know

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Re^5: top ten things every Perl hacker should know
by tilly (Archbishop) on Mar 17, 2006 at 07:05 UTC
    Let's take a list of files and use a Schwartzian Transform to sort it by file size descending, then alphabetical order ascending.
    my @sorted_files = map {$_->[0]} sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1] or $a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} map {[$_, -s]} @files;
    Here is the same code written as a normal sort.
    my @sorted_files = sort {-s $b <=> -s $a or $a cmp $b} @files;
    Clearly the Schwartzian Transform is more complex. But if you have a list of 1000 files, it's also about 10 times faster. Which is why we learn it.

    Now to explain my Ruby comment. In Ruby, arrays have a sort_by method. So in this example you'd write:

    sorted_files = files.sort_by {|f| [- test(?s, f), f]};
    and you've written the more efficient sort with less code than the regular sort. This does not work in Perl first of all because we don't have a sort_by method, and furthermore because Perl doesn't do anything useful when you try to sort array references. (Ruby sorts them lexicographically, with each field sorting in its "natural" way.)

      We sort of have a sort_by method in Sort::Maker. But I've never liked the api. There is no denying that an ST is a scary sight to a new programmer not familiar with the idiom. I'd argue it should be wrapped in a sub for clarity most often.

      I like the PBP argument for using List::Util and List::MoreUtils functions such as any rather than idiomatic uses of grep. It makes your intention clear, and prevents you from thinking in syntax - no matter how comfortable and familiar that syntax is.

      update: added some words for clarity

        We sort of have a sort_by method in Sort::Maker. But I've never liked the api

        you should try Sort::Key, it has a very simple API and it's faster and uses less memory than any other perl sorting technique:

        use Sort::Key qw(keysort); my @sorted = keysort { genkey($_) } @data;

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