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Re: Find files and generate HTML list

by robot_tourist (Hermit)
on Jun 06, 2007 at 10:39 UTC ( [id://619569]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Find files and generate HTML list

To be really clever: (unless you have more concrete requirements about your html file) *untested*

use strict; my $fh; my $file_name = "/path/to/resultfile.txt"; open($fh, '<', $file_name) or die ("couldn't open $filename"); my $fh2; my $html_file = "/path/to/htmlfile.html"; open($fh2, '>', $html_file) or die ("couldn't open $html_file"); print $fh2 "<html><head><title>Results</title></head><body>"; while (<$fh>) { print $fh2 "<p>$_</p>"; } print $fh2 "</body></html>"; close $fh; close $fh2;

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