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Re: Fast, Efficient Union and Intersection on arrays

by ptoulis (Scribe)
on Nov 21, 2008 at 21:26 UTC ( [id://725236]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Fast, Efficient Union and Intersection on arrays

I am dumping my own code here which is for finding the union/intersection of arrays in-place. It uses mergesort to order the lists(The Heap module from CPAN is of low-quality so I had to use the built-in mergesort for sorting..) and then a divide-and-conquer to find the intersection and union. It is about 2 times slower than uni_int_2 but it is as much efficient in space requirements because it does not allocate any more memory than the input arrays (of course I can't compare it with the buk(). For arrays of 500,000 elements it takes 4-5 seconds in my machine, and RAM consumption is 50MB which is what Perl allocates for the initial arrays (and of course the runtime).

I didn't try to optimize it much, perhaps someone could throw an idea here. Sorry for the big file, but I have some comments inline that might help anyone interested.

use warnings; use strict; use List::Util 'shuffle'; use sort '_mergesort'; #create the !$ARGV[0] and print "No input for array size" and exit; my @array1 = shuffle 1..$ARGV[0]; my @array2 = shuffle 1..$ARGV[0]; my @sortedA = sort {$a<=>$b} (@array1); my @sortedB = sort {$a<=> $b } (@array2); our $pivot; #used in binary search.. my ($uni, $insc)= p_uni(0,$#sortedA,0,$#sortedB); print "\n|U| = ",$uni," |I|=",$insc; #>>>>> UNION and INTERSECTION <<<<<<<< #The function p_uni() will return an ARRAY for which #ARRAY[0] = cardinality of union #ARRAY[1]=cardinality of intersection sub p_uni { #The function process 2 ordered lists, say A and B as follows #We split A = A1+A2 and B=B1+B2 around the middle #Since they are ordered we know that INTERSECTION(A1,B2)=0 and INTERSE +CTION (A2,B1)=0, so we process them independently... #The split array Ai is A[aLeft,aRight] - a subset of A with those indi +ces. The same holds for bLeft and bRight. my ($aLeft,$aRight,$bLeft, $bRight) = @_; my ($tmp_uni,$tmp_insc)=(0)x 2; #If A array is too small then run a linear search and match if($aRight-$aLeft<100) { my $search_result; for (my $i=$aLeft, my $bLeft_h = $bLeft;$i<=$aRight;$i++) { $search_result = bin_search(\@sortedB, $sortedA[$i],$bL +eft_h,$bRight); $tmp_uni++; $tmp_insc++ if($search_result->[0]); $bLeft_h = $search_result->[1]; } return ($aRight-$aLeft+1-$tmp_insc+$bRight-$bLeft+1, $tmp_insc) +; } #If B array is too small run a linear search and match elsif($bRight-$bLeft<100) { my ($tmp_uni,$tmp_insc)=(0)x 2; my $search_result; for my $i($bLeft..$bRight) { if(defined($sortedB[$i-1]) && $sortedB[$i-1] != $so +rtedB[$i]) { my $search_result = bin_search(\@sortedA, $sortedB[$i] +,$aLeft,$aRight); if($search_result->[0]) {$tmp_uni++; $tmp_insc++;} else { $tmp_uni+=1; } $aLeft = $search_result->[1]; } } return ($aRight-$aLeft+1-$tmp_insc+$bRight-$bLeft+1, $tmp_insc +); } my $bPos = int(($bLeft+$bRight)/2); my $aPos = bin_search(\@sortedA, $sortedB[$bPos],$aLeft,$aRight); my ($a_insc,$a_uni) = p_uni($aLeft, $aPos->[1], $bLeft,$bPos); my ($b_insc,$b_uni) = p_uni($aPos->[1]+1,$aRight,$bPos+1,$bRight); return($a_insc+$b_insc,$a_uni+$b_uni); } #This is a binary search- Searches in the ordered list reference AR_RE +F for WHAT and between and including indices cLEFT cRIGHT.. sub bin_search { my ($ar_ref, $what,$cLeft,$cRight) =@_; my ($left,$right,$value)=($cLeft,$cRight,0); while($left<=$right ) { $pivot = int (($left+$right)/2); $value = $ar_ref->[$pivot]; if($value>$what) { $right=$pivot-1; } elsif($value<$what) { $left=$pivot+1; } else { return [1,$pivot]; } } return [0,$pivot]; }

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