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Re^2: How's My Style Now?

by Spenser (Friar)
on Mar 14, 2010 at 12:28 UTC ( [id://828567]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: How's My Style Now?
in thread How's My Style Now?

As a follow-up to my original post, below is how the code for that same program looks now. I'm posting it here in case someone else wants to convert to modules and want to see how that would look. Thanks again for all of the advice everyone gave me. I'm still incorporating your ideas.

#!/usr/bin/perl # program name: musings.cgi # set libraries, scripts, & paths use strict; use warnings; use library::core; use library::musings; use CGI qw(:standard); my $scripts = core::get_script_variables(); my $script = $scripts->{'musing'}->{'script'}; my $top_script = $scripts->{'musings'}->{'script'}; # capture user input my $musing_id = param('musing_id') || ''; my $ref_id = param('ref_id') || ''; # check if user data is complete if($musing_id =~ m|\d|g) { print redirect($script . '?musing_id=' . $musing_id); exit; } # get general text for web page my $general_text = core::get_general_text('musings',1); my ($page_heading,$page_text,$page_image) = @{$general_text->[0]}; my $n = "\015\012"; # get web log entry my $entries = musings::get_musings_entries($ref_id); my $comments_cnt = musings::get_comments_cnt(); my $musing_stats = musings::get_reader_stats(); my $musing_cats = musings::get_musings_cats(); # alter heading if musing category selected if($ref_id) { $general_text = core::get_general_text('musings_category',1); ($page_heading,$page_text,$page_image) = @{$general_text->[0]}; $page_heading = ucfirst($musing_cats->{$ref_id}->{'ref_name'}) . $p +age_heading; } # web page core::heading($page_heading,undef,$page_text); core::panel_start(1); core::fiction(); core::miscellany(); core::musings_sites(); core::panel_end(); core::panel_start(2); core::page_heading($page_heading,$page_text,undef); # display musing entries foreach (@$entries) { my ($id, $ref_id, $log_head, $entry, $entry_date) = @$_; my $cat = lc($musing_cats->{$ref_id}->{'ref_name'}); my $cnt = $comments_cnt->{$id}->{'comments_cnt'} || 'no'; my $reader_stat = $musing_stats->{$id}->{'stat'}; $entry_date = lc($entry_date); print div({class=>'content_item'}, $n, div({class=>'musing_abstract'}, $n, h3(a({href=>$script . '?musing_id=' . $id}, $log_head) ), $n, span($entry), $n ), $n, div({class=>'item_stats'}, $n, 'posted:', $entry_date, '; readers: ', $reader_stat, '; ', $n, a({id=>'cmt_note', href=>$script . '?musing_id=' . $id}, $cnt, 'comments'), $n, 'category: ', a({id=>'cmt_note', href=>$top_script . '?ref_id=' . $ref_id}, $cat) ), $n ), $n; } core::panel_end(); core::panel_start(3); core::display_page_image($page_image); musings::get_display_category_data(); core::stats_musings(); core::panel_end(); core::footer(); exit;


That's Spenser, with an "s" like the detective.

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