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Re: Can't locate object method

by biohisham (Priest)
on Feb 01, 2011 at 17:17 UTC ( [id://885562]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Can't locate object method

not having these modules installed seems to be the reason why you get such an error since they could be interdependent.

Excellence is an Endeavor of Persistence. A Year-Old Monk :D .

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Re^2: Can't locate object method
by RachunZero (Novice) on Feb 01, 2011 at 18:10 UTC
    I think that I have those modules installed, but it could be some sort of inappropriate use of recreational drugs that makes me think so. I suspect that I've done something wrong in terms of setting up the environment or installing them. I think that's what I really need your help on. I need to know how to "verify" that something is installed as I think it is and how to check my environment to be sure that the modules are visibile to the code that is using them.
      I need to know how to "verify" that something is installed

      Try to load the modules from the command line  (only one of them needs to work):

      $ perl -MNet::SSL -e1 or $ perl -MIO::Socket::SSL -e1

      and see what error messages you get (if any).  Things should be fine if you don't get an error message.

      (Be sure to use the same Perl version and environment that is being used by Apache.)

        Ahah! That revealed something. It showed that my OPENSSL libraries were not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

        Now if I can just figure out why they need to be...

        Thanks very much!

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